Chapter 6 - Bon Appétit

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Hey guys! So i'm back after a little break but i made this chapter full of Korlando moments to make it up to you.
Oh and please read the message at the end, it's important.

(Katy's POV)

It's still afternoon and we are in Orlando's house. I can't believe he wants to call me Katheryn, i never thought somebody would call me that after all this years. Even my parents call me Katy since... forever i guess.

I won't lie, if he really calls me Katheryn all the time i'll find a little odd. It's not that i won't like it, it's just that i'm not use to it. But if i want to make this changes in my life and face this, maybe it'll be something good.

"Do you like to cook?" - i ask as i see him making us lunch.

"You know, it's not like a hobby or anything but i can get by when i need. How about you?"

"Oh i can't boil water to save my life, unfortunately. But i would like to actually apply myself one day, be able to follow a recipe at least" - i say as i see him mixing something on a pan, he looks so concentrated that i almost think he wasn't listening to me, but he's quick to answer me.

"I love that you only do something if you totally emerge yourself in it. Passionate is the word" - he says turning off the stove and coming to me. I just smile and wait for his arms to be around me.
When i'm finally embraced i rest my head on his chest and close my eyes just enjoying the moment.

It's so good to just relax and not worry about the future or regretting from the past. I only listen to his heart beat instead of my thoughts that says 'It's all happening again, you'll fall flat on face in a couple of months'.

"Thank you" - i say referring to his complement as i lift my head in reach a kiss.

"Lunch is ready, i made pasta which is really simple but i didn't want to make you wait too much. You've been such a sweetheart since i met you and i don't want to see how you look when you're hungry" - he says laughing and grabbing plates for us.

"Oh ok, i'm glad you're a smart one" - i say joking too.

We eat on his balcony talking about how was our day and stuff like that. It's so easy to talk to him, i'm not used to that really.
When it comes to dating i was always playing chest with that person, or watching my every move. And with Orlando the conversation just flows, i guess it's because he has such a pure soul and that makes me don't feel threatened. But it's still overwhelming to me that it happened so quickly.

We go to the TV room and sit on the navy blue couch, Orlando turns the TV on as he put his arm around me and flips through the channels looking for something good.

I don't know why, but that night when we first met comes to mind all of sudden, that quote that made such a difference in my life. I mean i'm still not there but after that night i knew i had to work on myself. I started going therapy and even went to that camp i already told you about.

"Hey babe?" - i say and he looks at me - "Do you remember the first time we met?"

He stops to think for a moment and i realize i just set a trap for him which wasn't my intention. I start to think he was going to say the Golden Globes but he doesn't.

"It was at a charity event right? We met but we didn't had a proper conversation, there was a lot going on" - wow he he actually remember!

"Yeah but you did said something that stuck with me forever though" - i say.

"Really? What?" - he asks surprised.

"You said something like 'If you're not careful on whom or what you're directing your help you may not notice you're drowning trying to be everybody's anchor'. It was in a totally different context but i felt that. I used to be that person you know? That drowned herself trying to save others. You we're making a difference in my life even before we started dating"  - i open up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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