do you remember?

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" Do you hear it?"

Brian, with one hand holding the gummy bears, and his other one cupping his ear if it would help him hear better.

The distant beating of the drums and cadences as the parade continued through the streets across the river could be heard through the street.

" Yeah, I hear it "

Joshua shots up, his heart beating wildly like the drums in his memory. He remembers that. Brian insisted on going to Family Dollar, even through the fog, and they bought candy and ice cream with whatever money they could scrap up from underneath their beds and pockets.

The air was chrip, not extacly cold, but whenever you breathed in it reminded you that you're still alive.

Yeah, he remembers that.

He glances at the red numbers displayed at the nightstand; 5:33 a.m.

Today is the first day of a totally new High school, new faces to see, new voices to hear, and most importantly a new band to join.

That last thought, that last fucking thought: A New Band. How fucked up is that?

Nevermind that he's going to a new school with no history, there is no pride to take in, not like his old school, where his mom went to, his grandfather went to, his great-fucking-father went to, and he's the first in the family to break this untouchable tradition. How does that little piece of knowlegde fuck him up?

He grew up to the concept that the band you choose you either ride or die. He knows how competitive bands are, how people cheer for the band's when they march down the street, he knows.

Everyone knows everyone. Oh That band? Well, let me tell you all their history.

Yeah, and now he's here. All the way across the U.S., and his band is probably out marching or whatever.

It doesn't matter, it really doesn't. Because it's 6 a.m. and he needs the beauty sleep for some precious few seconds before getting up.

He's sure that whatever happens, the t.v. shows are still fiction, and maybe everything is actually pretty nice.




Oh, Lord, he was wrong. Jesus Christ, he was so wrong.

The kids are fucking staring like if their mommas didn't fucking raise them with good manners, like didn't she tell you that staring is rude?

But, noooo, they're here staring like if fucking Beyonce walked into the room.

Maybe all those stereotypes about small towns do hold some weight. Because these children don't know fucking manners.

"Oh, hheeyy neighbor!" Lord. Please don't punish me this way.

The girl holding books, just like what every bad teen show, and waves at him like if they knew each other for ages. Which, he didn't. That fact didn't detour her as she walked her way towards him, standing there like some dumb-looking-kid.

"You look a little lost, do you need help to get to your class?" Ok, yes, he did miss that orient shit that the school offers, but who the hell waste their time on that? Do people actually go there?

He clears his throat, "That would be greatly appreciated, Please." Unlike those snotty kids, his mom raised him with fucking manners.

Ashley, her name was Ashley right? Simple drags him along like some lost dog, to a group of kids gathered around the lockers. And holy shit -- that girl is opening her locker.

Kids actually use those?

It's even decorated!

"Hey guys, remember that new neighbour? Well, meet Joshua!" Now he feels like he's standing in front of some kindergarten class, reintroducing himself.

"Hello, it's nice to meet y'all," And with that, they all turned to him so fast, but not as fast a students trying to see a fight. Was it because he said y'all?

"Hey, I'm Jax, Ahsley sister. It's cool to meet you." What kind of name is Jax?

The girl next to the tall kid- Jax- waves a awkward smile, "Uh, I'm Macy."

Ok, cool, so he wasn't the only one thinking this is awkward as hell. It turns out the school he is currently inhabiting is also the only one for another near by town, so two towns send their children here.

Making the whole, oh you're an outsider, thing very much a real thing. Because apparently, Jax and Macy knew each other before even fucking diapers, and knew pretty much everyone he could point at.

Yeah, very much an outsider.

This led him to his first ever class, shifting on his feet, he didn't even thought he had to introduce himself. So now he is standing in front of a class that is looking at him with half amusement, half pity.

Mrs. I-don't-know-you're-name, happily announce that they have a new student, and forces him to stand there like some half idiot, in front of the whole body of students.

"Can you please introduce yourself sweetie?"

Josh takes a deep breath, trying to settle down his nerves. "I'm Josh."

There, loud clear, and pretty confident if he says so himself. And the class half mumbles a "Hi!" Before settling down again. Jesus, this is creepy.

Mrs. I-don't-know-you're-name smiles, spreading her cheeks wide and red. "Oh that's wonderful, where are you from Josh?"

He sends her a bewildered look, why the fuck does she need to know that? He clears his throat, already feeling light if his feet.

"I'm from New Orleans."

Sone students took interest, but the test seems as bored and half tired as he. Maybe they weren't all too weird.

"Thank you for sharing, and you can take a seat by the back there," She pointed to the empty chair next to some guys, the closest to the window.

As he sat he could actually feel the street burning him down, trying to disect and measure every small movement.

The jock next to him, a broad kid with a pale face, jolted next to him. He leaned in and whispered, "Hey man, do you do football?"

Joshua couldn't help but smile.

Yeah, maybe this year won't be too bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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