Chapter 6: Proposal #1

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They've been together for 3 months. Unless both of them are deeply in work, Harvey will stay over Donna's house or she will stay at his. The night before could be really hot, but sometimes they're just lying beside the other, sleeping soundly till morning.

Harvey wakes up but he doesn't see Donna beside. She has been out before he woke up.

"Good morning Harvey."
Donna smiles. She's wearing Harvey's white shirt. It's oversized, but it also makes Donna even more gorgeous. She's holding two cups of coffee. She heads to Harvey and places herself next to him. Harvey replies her with a big smile on his face.
"Why are you smiling?"
Donna asked.

"N-nothing. It just reminds me of the dream I used to have before."
"What dream was that?"

"Well, in that dream, you woke me up with two cups of coffee just like this, and you also worn a white shirt. After that, I gave you a kiss."
Harvey said, then leans in Donna for a kiss on her lips.

"Well, I guess it's not a dream anymore. I wonder what happened next?"
Donna breaks the kiss and murmurs

"Not really great. You told me that you wouldn't work for me anymore. Then, I was so scared that I woke up. The fear of losing you keeps haunting me in a long period of time, even in my dream... Donna, please don't leave me."
Harvey sighed, his face is full of sweat. Donna carefully swipes off the sweat and crosses her arms around Harvey's neck.

"I told you that I would never leave, and I won't ever. So you don't have to be scared of that again because I will always stay by your side from now on."
Donna whispered. She comforts him carefully.

Donna's POV

Louis and Sheila's wedding will be held and they manage to invite Rachel and Mike to be there. Harvey can't wait to see Mike and I'm also really looking forward to seeing Rachel. That's why we decide not to go to the wedding together. I will spend my day with Rachel at the shopping mall and make the two men surprised when they see us.

" I definitely can listen to the story of you guys whole day!!!! Donna, I'm really happy for you."
Rachel said excitedly when I told her about me and Harvey.
"You should. It takes us 13 years to make it happens."
I smirked.

"How can't it happen sooner? I mean, every single person in this firm knows Harvey and you belong together."

"Of course we do, Rachel. But me and Harvey were both not ready. We kept flirting with each other for a long time and had our own relationship. And that time, when he said why didn't we try, I realize I want him than everything in the world. Now, why don't we stop talking about this and you try this dress on. I'm sure it's gonna fit you well."

I give a dress that I've just found for Rachel.
"The dress looks great. And I've had one for you too. I bet Harvey cannot take his eyes off you tonight."

Harvey's POV

Mike is pleased with his life in Seattle and his job. We talk about how pleased we are with our life. We've spent all morning at the baseball field because I wanted to play with him.

"You're really good at this Harvey."
Mike said.
"I'm good at everything Mike."
"Maybe, but not good enough to win Donna's heart."
Mike smiled sarastically.
"I own hers now. Better late than never."
I replied, and hit another ball perfectly.
"Perfect shot."
I mumbled.
"Can I ask you a question Harvey?"
"Go on Mike."
I say, I'm about to hit another ball

"Me and Rachel are married, now Louis and Sheila, Jeff has also proposed Jessica... I wondered when will be yours?"
I was so taken aback by his question that I miss the ball and also have my wrist injured.
I shout in pain, and drop the bat. It's really hurt.
"Harvey, are you okay? You've never missed a ball"
"I don't think so. It's kinda hurt now. I guess it's dislocated. And about what you ask, isn't it too soon?! We has just been on date."

"Yah, but you guys have also been together as friend, or some kind of relationship that I can't tell exactly for so long. Honestly, no one would be so surprised if they get your wedding's invitation... Oh, Harvey, is your hand alright?"
"No, I think I should have some medical treatment."

Writer's POV

Harvey and Mike arrives at the wedding in their black tux, both look extremely charming. They're standing in front of the hall, waiting for their woman.
"Holly crab..."
Harvey expresses as soon as Donna walks towards in her beautiful long black dress. The black dress makes her red hairs more attractive. And Rachel is right when she said Harvey will never get his eyes off her.
"Good evening Batman."
Donna says flirtariously. She knows Harvey is already appealed to her.
"You shouldn't play baseball if you want to wear tux, Harvey."
Donna murmurs.
"How did you kn...?"
"Your tie isn't look good, I guess because your hand has been injured while playing baseball. You said you want to play baseball with Mike didn't you... Is it alright?"
Donna says, while fixing Harvey's tie.
"Yah, much more better now. How can you know all of it?"
"Cause I'm Donna, I know everything."
Donna smiles, and drags Harvey inside.

Mike drank quite a lot so they left quite early. Jessica and Jeff has to take the late flight back to Chicago and left.
"I think you should leave Harvey, it's kinda late now."
Louis said.
"Oh yes. Best wishes for you two."
Harvey smiled, his voice is quite slack now.
"Donna, you will take him home won't you. He is not sober anymore."
"Definitely. Good night. Louis and Sheila, you're gonna be such a couple"
Donna gives them a goodbye hug.

She holds his hand and walk together to the car which Ray is waiting inside. They go in and the car starts to move. The comfortable slience between them, none of them says a word, but their hands are still lacing with each other.
"You can stop here Ray. I want to walk home with her."
Harvey asked to stop the car, they're a few miles away from Donna's house.

Harvey follows Donna. They are not ready to say goodbye so just slowly walk side by side.
"The weather is so cool !"
Donna smiles widely, she was so busy in work that could never have a chance to wander like this. And it's great to do this with the guy she loves.
"I just wonder, what makes Harvey badass Specter want to walk home like this."
Donna asks.
"You clearly know why. I want to spend more times with you , especially when you're really beautiful like this."
Harvey expresses. Donna blushes, she realizes that everytime Harvey isn't sober, he usually says sweets, and he also acts cute. Harvey suddenly reminds of what Mike said. When he said how could he propose someone he had just dated, he knew it was just an excuse for his insecurities.

"Hey Donna"
"What Harvey?"
She replied.

"I know it's all of a sudden I'm tired of missing you and waiting for your calls. I know we meet each other every day at the firm but I want to live with you, so that you will be the first person I see when I wake up... Marry me?"
Harvey said all in one, no hesitated. This is a proposal. He doesn't have the flowers, neither the rings, he doesn't even down on his knees, just standing face to face with her, told her all his hidden feeeling. Donna doesn't seem to take the proposal yet, she raises her eyebrowns and gives Harvey a weird look.

"Harvey, it's not only sudden. Haven't you just proposed me?! We have just started. This is no joke, I can't answer it right now."

"I know Donna, I know you need time to think about it... You should go home, it's really late."
Harvey smiled sadly. They have arrived at Donna's apartment.

"Do you want to come in?"

"No, not tonight. I'll catch a taxi home so don't worry. Good night Donna."
He says and kisses her softly on her lips.

"Good night Harvey."

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