0.2 i promise

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Akira walked slowly through the tall grass outside. She had barely been with the Mutant Underground for six hours and already she had accidentally froze the front staircase, caused a small freak hailstorm in town, and flash froze the indoor garden that Trevor had created using his powers. "Don't worry. I can still feel the plants underneath all the ice. I'll have them back to normal in a couple of hours." Trevor had said, smiling at her after Akira had apologized nearly fifty times. Nobody really seemed to mind how out of control her powers were and nobody really seemed afraid of her but Akira distanced herself from everyone anyways. It was better not to get too attached anyways. In four days, she would be back where she belonged.

Akira glanced up at the large building and sighed. This was the first time she had been around such a large collection of mutants and all of them seemed so happy and in control of their powers. Akira used to dream of a day where she would feel the same way about her own mutation but now she didn't see that kind of life for herself. There was no way she could ever be happy after all the harm and misery she had caused in her short lifetime.

"Hey what are you doing out here?" Akira turned to find John walking towards her. His dark hair was blowing back slightly in the wind and Akira found her eyes wandering over his tall frame before she turned her eyes back towards the large field and tried not to blush.

"Trying not to kill anymore plants or freeze anymore staircases." John smirked as he came to stand next to her.

"They know you can't help it Yuki." Akira crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head.

"Yeah well, I better stay out here or something in case I try to make an igloo out of this place in my sleep." John rolled his eyes.

"You can't sleep out here. It gets cold at night." Akira looked up at him and arched an eyebrow.

"I've slept in the frozen tundra for ten years John. You think 50 degrees is cold to me?" He chuckled a little.

"Right, Sorry. How does that work by the way?" Akira shrugged.

"Part of my mutation I guess. Below freezing temperatures don't bother me. It's when it gets warm that kind of bugs me." She ran one hand through her hair thinking about the first time she actually experienced heat. She was eight years old and she felt like she was going to melt into a puddle on the floor. Her mother had to stick her into a bath of ice cold water to get her temperature back down. "I would swim under the ice at the North Pole. Breathing underwater isn't part of my ability but I would always try to see how cold was too cold for me and..." she shrugged. "Nothing. I kind of thought I wasn't going deep enough but if I did I would drown myself."

"What did the water feel like?"

"Like room temperature I guess. I don't really know what room temperature feels like though so I don't have an accurate enough description of it." John licked his lips, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"What were you doing up there, all alone?" Akira looked away from him and started to walk farther into the field, away from the house. John slowly followed her.

"Hiding I guess. It's the only place I felt that I could be myself. The only place I wouldn't hurt anyone or anything." Akira said, raising her palms out flat, an icy fog washed out of her and as she clenched her fists it slowly disappeared. "And someone had to save the polar bears right?" She asked, looking up at John with a grin. He laughed.

"You actually hung out with polar bears?" Akira laughed.

"Yeah there's a bear in particular that I named..." Akira paused, almost saying Yuki. "Snow." Akira said, imagining Yuki glaring outside of her cave, waiting for her to come out. Yuki hasn't been there when she had been taken, which Akira was glad for, but Yuki also wouldn't know where she had gone.

Black Frost // John ProudstarWhere stories live. Discover now