Edited by KitWulf 12-12-2020
The pain had gotten worse now that the adrenaline had almost entirely left her body. Her chest was burning as she slowly got back up onto all fours when she heard something or someone approaching the cave she was hiding in.
She hadn't gotten far when the pain became too much, forcing her to find a place to lay low and assess her injuries. Nathan had done a good number on her; the gashes in her face were deep, her left shoulder had sustained some major damage, but it was hard to tell if things were broken, torn, or just bruised, and her ribcage was another matter. Azura knew she was lucky one of her lungs didn't collapse when Nathan had collided with her. For the rest, there were mostly bite marks and scratches varying in depth and length over her body. The more shallow ones had already started healing but it would take a while for all of them to heal over. Azura chuffed in dismay as she found a bald spot on her tail where Nathan had managed to pull out all the fur. It would all grow back though.
As the noise grew closer she knew she'd be discovered, although she hadn't expected anything else. Azura turned to face the entrance and lowered herself on her haunches while puffing up her fur. She opened her muzzle slightly and without much trouble, felt the flames stir up again in her mouth. Her left shoulder started to hurt but she kept her pose, ready to attack if needed. It didn't take long for another snow leopard to appear at the entrance. He was about to move in when he noticed her, flames dripping out of her mouth, ready to strike. She growled, warning him to stay away and she noticed the slight hesitation as he stared at her. In response to her growling, he started to chuff. A sound that was normally made to make sure others know he wasn't a threat. Azura stopped growling and carefully examined him before a familiar scent hit her nose.
Relief washed over her and she immediately dropped her guard. Lowering her head straight away, the flames disappeared and she chuffed back to let him know it was okay to enter. Azura still stood her ground though as he walked in. Every other normal day she would've gone all excited over him finally being in snow leopard form but now that all seemed irrelevant. She just observed him as she had observed Nathan. Assessing his fitness, strengths, and weaknesses. Despite not doing it on purpose, she had pinpointed his biggest weakness almost straight away; he was not comfortable in this form. Biggest strength; his size.
Even though he was a bit smaller than Nathan, he was still a lot bigger than she was. Her heart was racing as he stood before her. She knew he would not hurt her, but she couldn't shake that tiny voice in her head claiming he was angry at her. She had been foolish by taking off the ring and exposing herself. Let alone the fact she still felt unsure about them spending the night together. All she knew was she messed up everything.
Right as she wanted to look up he placed his forehead against hers and emitted a low purr. The purr resonated through his body and she could feel herself calm down instantly. Through it, she felt his steady and calm heartbeat and noticed her heart was calming down, following the same rhythm. They stayed like that for a few minutes before he removed his head from hers and proceeded to lick her muzzle and head, cleaning off some of the blood that had dried in her fur. He would sometimes stop licking and simply rub his head against hers showing his affection to her. Her muscles went rigid with his actions, trying to comprehend what he was doing. This was something she had never experienced. Wolves would only lick each other's muzzle as a sign of submission, but he was doing everything except that. He was doing it to gain her trust and socialize and somehow she had recognized it.
She flinched as he gently touched her shoulder with his head. If he had noticed, he didn't let it show as he moved next to her and stroked past her side. Azura yowled softly as a sharp pain erupted in her chest. Her ribs were heavily bruised, maybe one or two even broken. She tried to hold it back, not wanting to show that she was actually hurt, but failed as the sharp stab of pain made her stumble to the side. She managed to stay upright but Lucas had noticed and stepped away from her.

Igniting Sparks
Werewolf2nd draft is up and running! ** Blue-eyed snow leopard werecats. Often described as feral, wild, dangerous, and easily angered. Let alone that they are very rare if they exist at all. Traumatized by two large events in her life, Azura has left the...