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Mu Qing just silently sat on the chair as they watch Xie Lian make his report before them all. When Xie Lian finished, there was a deafening silence.

"Does anyone have anything to add?" Jun Wu asked, sitting elegantly on his high chair.

They all looked at each other. For the first time nobody spoke against Xie Lian, which made Xie Lian breathe a sigh of relief. A smile appeared on Jun Wu's face and dismissed them all. Xie Lian went to Feng Xin and Mu Qing. Suddenly, the hall fell into silence and all eyes are on them. "Feng Xin. Mu Qing." He called. "May I know where's Nan Feng and Fu Yao?" he asked.

Ling Wen paused and looked at their group. "Fu Yao is in detention." Mu Qing said, his voice emotionless.

"Nan Feng is also in detention." Feng Xin said.

"Oh." Xie Lian said, disappointed. "I just wanted to thank them for helping me – " he said.

Fu Yao rolled his eyes and turned to leave. Feng Xin and Xie Lian looked at him, then the other heaven officials. They were puzzled. Won't he say something to his former superior? That's boring. They thought, disappointed since nothing interesting happened today. But, their disappointment were bound to be kicked away.

"Your Highness." Feng Xin called.

"Hm?" Xie Lian said, still watching Mu Qing leave. When he didn't hear Feng Xin speak, he turned. Only to see Feng Xin's face looked like he's struggling. "What is it?" he asked.

Feng Xin opened his mouth to speak, but only to close it. The other heaven officials are looking at him, puzzled but also interested. This is the first time they saw the straightforward Feng Xin struggling to speak.

"General Nan Yang. Do you wish to say something?" Ling Wen asked, helping the other.

Feng Xin threw her a grateful glance, then looked back at Xie Lian. "Your Highness." He called.

"Yes?" Xie Lian called, been waiting since earlier.

Feng Xin looked like he's having a hard time to speak again when he balled his fists and took a deep breath. "I love A-Qing." He said and looked at Xie Lian in the eyes.

Ling Wen dropped her scrolls. Jun Wu's elbow on the armrest almost slipped and Pei Ming spat out his drink. They looked at Feng Xin, shocked. Who's A-Qing?! And... General Nan Yang is in love?! Seriously?! It doesn't show! They thought as they stared at Feng Xin, their eyes scrutinizing to check if the other is really in love.

Xie Lian blinked multiple times as he looked ag Feng Xin. After a while and his face went red, then his ears, his neck... "Oh." He said as he lowered his head, shy. After all, this stuff wasn't in his head so he doesn't know what to say, nor think, nor react. "Well... why don't you confess to him?" he asked and looked at the direction Mu Qing left. "Oh. He's gone..." he said and lowered his head, contemplating.

Feng Xin stared at Xie Lian, then heaved a sigh. "I'm sorry if I troubled you, Your Highness." He said and bowed. "I only wanted to inform you." He explained.

Xie Lian fell silent. "It's not like I am mad. Actually, I am relieved." He said. "But... how?" he asked, asking the question everybody wanted to ask.

They all silently looked at Feng Xin, waiting. "I loved him 800 years ago during the parade when he acted as the demon." He answered.

They all felt like their eyeballs will leave their eye sockets. What?! That long?! They thought, shocked.

But, Xie Lian's face is calm. "Then why do you always pick a fight with him?" he asked. The officials nodded, agreeing for Xie Lian to ask the same question.

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