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(y/n) POV:
I ruffle my hair once more in the mirror looking at my appearance before I turn to my father. "So whatcha think pops?" He looks up from his paper and looks over my outfit. "Change." He says simply and returns to his paper. "What? Why? This is better than the other one!" "I wouldn't even let Barbra wear that out!" He says strictly. As if on cue Barbra walks in and looks me up and down. "Oh come on Jim. She looks hot!" "Thanks, Babs." I laugh and give her a wink while my father rolls his eyes.

"Come on dad. I don't even have time to change. Jarred's car is going to run out of gas before I get out there!" He sighs and stands up walking to the kitchen. "Where are you going?" I ask confused. "Giving you enough time to leave before I make you even later by changing." I run to the door grabbing my purse and jacket before running outside and into the waiting car full of my friends.

"Ohhh someone's looking good. New top?" My best friend Steph asks looking at the expensive cloth on my body. "Only the finest for daddy's little princess," I say laughing. "Well, I think you'd look much better with it off," Noel says in my ear trailing small kisses down my neck and tugging at my shirt.

"Oh, gross guys. I'd rather not ruin my car." Jarred says in the driver's seat. "Well, it technically would just be breaking it in," Noel says humming the air. Noel and I are nowhere near a relationship, but way more than friends. It's been that way since freshman year when I went to a party and well... Got very influenced by herbal substances and alcoholic beverages, and woke up in the same bed with Noel. You know what they say about cop's daughters. They're the wildest ones.

Going on two strong years of fooling around with him. Sure he's hot as hell, but I honestly want something more. Shocker right? The slut wants a real committed relationship. Huge surprise.

As Noel continues to rub my thighs and kiss my neck I get distracted by lights and a huge red and white striped tent. "Wait. Where are we exactly?" I ask pushing Noel away to get a better look at our new destination. "Welcome to Haly's circus everyone," Jared says parking in the makeshift parking lot.

"I hate clowns." Noel rolls his eyes stepping out of the car. "Wow, such a surprise given that you are one," I say flicking him in the back of the head. "Now you listen here, Gordon!" He says grabbing my ass and biting my neck hard. "Ow! Stop Noel! Not here! There are kids around!" I exclaim pushing him away. "Well, why not? Add it to the list." He chuckles and pushes me up against the car and lightly putting his hand in between my thighs. "What the hell is wrong with you? I said no!" I hiss at him, pushing him away. "Are you two coming or not?" Steph yells at us.

As we come to the ticket booth I see a boy handing them out. "Hello welcome to Haly's circus. How many?" He asks in a soft friendly voice. He looks around my age. Tall, fiery red hair, and green eyes that shine as he smiles. "Hi just 4." Jarred says with his arm around Steph. "More like 3 and an idiot," I mumble under my breath catching a slight smirk from the redhead. He passes the tickets to us. When I reach for mine our fingertips lightly brush, and a slight shock is felt. "Enjoy your night." He says and smiles at me warmly.

We walk into the gigantic red and white tent and take the first seats we saw that were free. As the clowns were clowning around a feel a tug on my arm. I look to my right and see Noel with longing glossy eyes. "Come with me." "What? No, I wanna see this." I complain pulling my arm away. Not a minute later Noel pulls me up harshly and out of the tent. Seeing as most people are in the tent watching the show there aren't many people outside.

Noel continues to pull me to the parking lot without a word. "What the hell is up with you?" I yell at him yanking my arm out of his grasp. He jingles the car keys in front of my face with a smirk. "Get in the back seat." I look at his face closer. "Are you drunk?" "I said get in the back seat (y/n)." I scoff and cross my arms across my chest. "I'm not getting in the car, Noel." He chuckles and shakes his head. "Fine. Guess I'll just have to force you in there."

Noel throws the door open and grasps both of my arms. He turns us around so my body was to the open door. "Get the hell off of me Noel!" "Oh come on stop fighting it! You'll enjoy it." He grunts as he pushes me on the leather seat. He sticks his hand up my shirt kissing me. "Noel stop!" I yell struggling to get him off me.

"I think she told you to stop." A voice says from behind us. Noel looks behind him to see the ticket booth guy. "Beat it ginger. This doesn't involve you." Noel reaches to close the door but is stopped when the redhead grasps his arm and tugs him out of the car. "What the hell you doing man?" Noel yells as he pushes my savior.

One clean punch to the face and Noel was on the ground with blood pouring from his nose. "Come on." The redhead sticks his hand out for me. As he helps me out of the car Noel is still on the ground trying to process everything. The boy whose name I still don't know leads me away from the parking lot and to metal trailers. He walks to one and opens the door leading me in.

He sits me on the couch as me gets me a glass of water. "Thank you." I say grabbing the glass in my hand. "I figured you were thirsty." He says and sits next to me. "No. Thank you for saving me back there. You don't know how grateful I am." I say laying my hand on top of his knee. "Uh, Jerome. Jerome Valeska and you're welcome." He says stammering over his words and rubbing the back of his neck.

"My names (y/n). (Y/n) Gordon." Jerome smiles at me. "That's a beautiful name." "You think so?" "Yes. It's a perfect name for someone as gorgeous as you doll." I look down and blush. "I-I'm sorry. That was inappropriate of me." Jerome says quickly. "No, no. Jerome, it's ok. It's actually the first real compliment I've gotten." He looks at me shocked. "Now I'm sure that's not true. I mean look at you." "Nope, I'm being serious. Besides my dad, that's the first compliment I've gotten that's not been related to anything pervy." I say making him chuckle.

"So was that guy your boyfriend or-" "Oh god no! No. Just some asshole who I will never be talking to again." I say rolling my eyes. As things start to quiet down my phone starts to buzz in my purse. I pull it out and see a text from Steph.

'Hey, Noel said you got sick so you had your dad come pick you up. Guess we'll have to plan the sleepover another night. You totally missed the fight Noel got I after. He said the other guy can't even walk!'

I huff and lock my phone. "Yep never talking to him again." I stand up and blow my hair out of my face. "What just happened?" Jerome asks standing up as well. "That dick left with my ride and now I'm stranded here." "Well, you could stay here tonight. As long as my mom is ok with it, and then I could drive you home tomorrow. I would do it tonight, but I don't have my after 9's yet." Jerome says shuffling his feet. "Jerome I can't ask for that. You've already done enough for me tonight. I can just go ask around I'm sure someone is generous enough." I say and grasp the door handle.

"No please. I insist I wouldn't want you in the car with some stranger." "But you want a stranger to spend the night with you?" I ask crossing my arms and cocking my eyebrow with a smirk. "At least you know I'm not going to kill you." He says putting his hands us in defense. "I actually don't. You could just be very good at acting innocent." "What are you a cop?" Jerome asks folding his arms and leaning on the small wall. "The daughter of one actually," I say walking closer to him. "What does your mom do?" My face drops slightly. "She passed away when I was around 6. After that my dad got back with his high school girlfriend." "I'm so sorry I didn't-" "It's okay. It was just her time I guess." I say wiping my head clean of my mother.

"You stay here and I'll go find my mother," Jerome says with a smile on his face. "No promises." I wink and plop on the couch.

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