The Blessing is Denied

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I twist the cup of coffee just so a few words of the book title would show. After finding out about the baby I planned a way to tell Jeremiah in a day. I bought him a new book about parenting.

"A book? You're telling him by a book? No streamers or fireworks?" "He's not you Jerome." He rolls his eyes vanishing.

The door unlocks and Jeremiah and Ecco walk in. "(Y/n)! How are you?" Ecco waltzed over hugging me. "I'm good! Great actually." I smile not being able to contain my giggles.

"Darling? What's got you so excited?" Jeremiah places his notebook on the table and sits in the seat at the island. "I got you a new book."

I slide the book and coffee over with a growing grin glued to my face. Jeremiah lifts the drink looking at the book and laughing. "Very funny, love. Yes, my work is my baby. So clever." Ecco stares at the book and then back at me.

"You're not." I smile at her nodding. She yells hugging me happily. Jeremiah looks at us confused. "What's going on?"

"I thought you were smarter than this, Jer. Think about it."

I watch as Jeremiah's mind turns and his thoughts roll over each idea. He drops the book on the counter staring at me with wide eyes. "Oh."

"OH!" Jeremiah runs around the counter and picks me up in his arms. "You're pregnant?" He says into my shoulder.

He looks at me with tears streaming. "Yeah. I'm pregnant!" He hugs me again tightly crying into my form.

"Oh my! I-I have to go do something! Don't move- well you can move... just.... I'LL BE BACK!"

Jeremiah runs out the door leaving Ecco and I alone. She smiles at me resting her hand on my shoulder. "I am so happy for you." I smile hugging her. "You know you'll have to help me." She nods laughing. "Of course I will!"


Jeremiah POV:

I knock on Jim's door, quickly stumbling with the ring in my pocket. The door swings open revealing Jim Gordon. "Jeremiah? Is everything okay? You look pale. Is (y/n) okay?" I laugh putting my hand on the back of my neck. "Yes, Jim. We're fantastic. I just... wanted to talk to you about something." He narrows his eyes but opens the door allowing me in.

"What can I help you with?" I turn to Jim smiling like an idiot. "I love (y/n), Jim. I want to make her happy for the rest of my life." Jim nods smiling. "I'm glad you feel that way, Jeremiah. Where is this headed?"

I sigh, grabbing the ring box from my pocket. "I'd like your blessing to ask (y/n) to marry me." I open the box revealing a lovely ring holding a diamond rock in the center.

Jim stares at the ring in shock. He clears his throat nodding. "Wow. It's not been... long has it? It's been what? 7, 8 months? Don't you think it's a little fast?" My hopes die and my blood runs cold. "I love her."

Jim nods patting my shoulder. "I do too. I just want to make sure this is the best thing for her, Jeremiah."

"But I love her, Jim."

He sighs nodding. "Let's sit on it for a few days. Alright? Then come talk to me. Over dinner!" I stir the ring in my pocket shielding my disappointment. "Of course. Goodnight, Jim."

I run down to the car sulking in my sadness.

"Are you really going to listen to that bozo?" I look in the mirror seeing Jerome in the back seat. "He is her father." "That she doesn't listen to. It's not his choice. One thing I learned from dealing with Jimbo is he never will make the right choice for (y/n)'s happiness. In short, words, fuck Jim Gordon." I laugh, shaking my head at his comment. I open the ring box staring at it.

"You really spoil her." "I do what you couldn't." He hits my shoulder laughing. "Good one. Now, what do you say we go ask for a wife?"


I wander into the house and see (y/n) sitting on the couch. She looks up smiling at me. "Hey, where'd you go?" I bite my lip pushing her down and connecting our lips. "I love you so much." I kiss down her neck feeling a wash of control take over.

"Jeremiah." she gasps against my hold, making me growl and crave her even further.

I look up at her face, but a slight patch of makeup is wiped on her shirt. She places her hand on my cheek running her fingers over the newly revealed skin. I panic removing myself from her.

"No Jeremiah." She crawls on me straddling me. "Show me." "(Y/n), it's horrible." She shakes her head kissing the pale skin along my neck. "I want to see you, Jeremiah."

I nod removing myself and going into the bathroom. I wipe all the foundation off allowing the porcelain skin to shine through. I take off my glasses and take out the green colored contacts.

The icy shade pierced into my soul as I stare at my new appearance. "Jeremiah?"

"I'm coming, love."

I grab the ring box and stuff it back into my pocket. As I enter the living room her eyes rake my figure. Her eyes widen as she takes in the new me.

I sit down across from her and look away. "I told you it was horrible." (Y/n) crawls into my lap again grabbing my face. "No. Just like I said. Still handsome." She leans down connecting our lips.

I pull away smiling at her. "Before we get too busy I need to ask you something, doll." She nods removing herself from my lap.

"You've brought me so much joy and happiness into my life, (y/n), and I never want it to end. You're going to give me a child who we can watch grow, but I want to do it right." I get down on one knee in front of her and pull the ring box out opening it.

"(Y/n) Gordon, will you marry me?" She covers her mouth as she gazes down at the ring. She nods her head speechless. "Yes?" "Yes, Jeremiah!" She cries and kisses me passionately. 

I slide the ring on her finger and admire the band. "Mrs. Valeska. I love it."

Such A Joker (Jerome x reader) ~ (Jeremiah x reader)Where stories live. Discover now