You too will be Reborn

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Jim POV:
"Hello, Jimbo." Dwight giggles over the phone line. "Shut up, Dwight. We have the building surrounded. There's no way out. Let the hostages go. Let my daughter go. I know you took her from the GCPD when your freaks broke in." I speak harshly into the phone.

"You're outside? You are, aren't you? Goody!" He laughs imitating Jerome. "The cult will never follow you, Dwight... (y/n) will never follow you."

"I haven't touched a hair on your pretty girlfriend's head." "You're just repeating what Jerome said to me last year." "I am Jerome!" Dwight screams in on the phone.

"No, no. You're the understudy pretending to be the star. You're a fraud." "No, I am Jerome! I am Jerome. And soon Gotham will know it. So will your little daughter. She'll see the truth!

"Well, for the record. You're doing one thing Jerome never did. Boring me."


"You look cute in that hat." I giggle following Jerome into a police car. Jerome smirks at me. "It's good to know I'm handsome without my face!"

He slams on the gas hitting a fellow cop. "Jerome!" I giggle throwing my head backward. "Sorry! Didn't see you there!"

He places his hand on my leg grinning at me. "How have you been, (y/n)?" I place my hand over his humming. "Feeling cornered. Alone." I rise to kiss his gauzed cheek. "I've missed you, J."

He hums nodding. "I missed you too, darling. You know we have to get my face back fast. I can't kiss you like this." "How do you plan on getting it back on? You've got a lot of time to make up for mister." Jerome shrugs laughing. "Burning one bridge at a time."

I giggle as we speed down the streets of Gotham. "Come on, Puddin. You can drive faster than this!" I cheer bouncing in my seat. "Oh, baby I've missed you!" Jerome howls speeding the vehicle and racing towards Dwight's location.

Jerome parks the car and props his feet up watching the locals with narrow eyes. "How am I going to do this? It's that chump isn't it?" Jerome points to the imposter wearing his face. "Well obviously." I lean my head on his shoulder smirking. "I have an idea." "Oh yeah? What's that?" I slide out of the car leaning down. "Just leave that to me, J."

I slam the car swaying my hips as I walk over to the cult members. "Ms. Gordon! We thought you left us." I smile shaking my head. "Sorry guys. I needed to find an escape plan for Jerome. Let's get him in the car." They nod escorting Dwight over to me.

"Ah, dollface! I knew you'd come back for me!" I nod grabbing his hand. "Sure, Dwight, but right now we need to go." I push him forward into the police car and taking Jerome's face back placing it in a bag. "Ew." I groan sitting in the front.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Dwight this is Jerome. My boyfriend." Jerome places his hand over his head wiping a fake tear. "Aw doll, you always butter me up. Nice to meet ya, Dwight! We do have somethings to talk about, like tossing my queen around." Dwight stumbles over his words sweating. "I-I never meant to disrespect her she didn't-" "She didn't do anything! What was that?" Jerome picks up his bagged face and holds it to his ear.

"This guy's hilarious!" Jerome laughs driving faster to our destination across the city.

Jerome opens the Wearhouse and ushers us in searching for something to place his face on. "Jerome, I think you need it stitched back on. This isn't the best way." I say watching as Jerome loads staples into a staple gun. He huffs shaking his redhead and walking up to me. "Oh, hush honey. I need you to hold my face still!"

Jerome unwraps the gauze and stands in front of me with his bare flesh. "This wouldn't be necessary if jackass over there didn't feel the need to have a makeover." Jerome cackles pushing the trigger and stabbing the first stable into his face. He choaks out a gasp gripping onto my arm.

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