Look Into My Eyes

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"How have you been doing, (y/n)?" I scan her eyes as she watches me. "I'm okay."

"How is work going?" I shrug and sigh. "It's okay. Same old." My therapist sighs and lowers her notebook. "(y/n), you need to talk to me. I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you be happy." I shake my head laughing lowly. "I haven't been happy for a long time." "Why is that?" "Because of Jerome. He left."

My therapist looks at me. "We've talked about this before. Jerome did not leave. He was killed. Jerome is dead, (y/n)." I nod looking at my hands. "I know he is." I run my fingertips over my lips feeling the ghostly shadow of him from the woods.

"I need you to say it."

"Jerome is dead."


"Listen to the watch. The way it's ticking synchronizes with your heartbeat. Look into my eyes. Not above them, not around them, but deep into their center. You are completely relaxed and are becoming weightless. Are you ready to do something impossible?" I watch as a man names Jervis Tetch hypnotizes a man from the audience. "You actually believe this?" I whisper to Babs, sipping my drink. "Who knows. I just hope he picks you next! Could be your next toy!" I roll my eyes turning back to the show

"Stand upon the chair." The man stands on the chair on the stage making everyone chuckle.

"No. The back of it. Remember, you weigh nothing at all."

Everyone gasps at the man's words. "He'll fall." I move closer to the stage watching in interest. "Not at all, my dear. In a hypnotic state, unburdened by doubt and fear, we can accomplish the impossible. Now one foot."

The man stands on the back of the chair easily as he lifts one of his legs into the air.

"So you could get him to do anything you wanted?" Barbara asks from the floor smiling next to me.  "Did you have something in mind, Miss Kean?" Jervis asks making eye contact with me and Babs. "Jump down, sir."

Jervis holds the man close and whispers something only the man would hear in his ear. "Now, I'm going to count down and clap my hands and you will awake."

"Three, two, one." How do you feel, sir?" Jervis asks the volunteer. " I feel great." He chuckles with a smile and everyone cheers.

Jervis walks over the Barbra and I with a smirk. "Very impressive, Mr. Tetch," I state shaking his hand. "You have quite a gift."

"You didn't answer my question. Can you make people do anything you tell them to do? Only things they secretly wish to do. It's surprising what people wish for, secretly, deep down."  He speaks making eye contact with me. I tilt my head smirking up at him. "Is that so?" He nods humming. "You must be a very popular man," Babs says smiling.

"Oh, I wish. Parties like this help pay my way, so thank you."

"So you're new to Gotham?" "Yes. I just arrived from up north." "You have a place to stay?" Jervis smiles at my words. "Are you offering little bird?" I suck my breath in and standstill. He chuckles. "Something always seems to turn up."

Jervis walks away fading into the crowd. "Um, what was that?" Babs laughs wiggling her eyebrows at me. "What? Him? No way!" She rolls her eyes and smirks. "Sooner or later you'll need to take a bite of something." I turn my drink up and put down the glass on the table. "Let it be later then. I have to get home Babs." "well tell Jim I say hi." "Yeah right." I hug her and part ways going home to my father.


"(Y/n). Wake up." I roll over and open my eyes to see my dad smiling. "Come on. We're getting coffee." I snuggle up deeper into my blankets. "You have to get me a cake pop if you even want me to move." He laughs kissing my head. "Deal!"

As we walk down the busy streets of Gotham my dad digs into my life. "How are the sessions going?" I shrug watching my feet. "They're going." "Are you feeling better? We can try different things if you want. This isn't your only option." "I really appreciate it, dad, but I think I will be okay. Let's just go get your check." I speed up my pace.

As we walk through the doors I smile as the familiar faces. "Harvey! Hey!" I jog up the steps and hug him. "(y/n)! Hey, what's going- Jim! Buddy!" Harvey says pulling me and my father out of the way. "Let's get a cup of coffee." "We already had some. I just came by for my check. City still owes me for bringing in the last of Strange's creeps." dad says making his way to Barnes office.

"Yeah, you been hustlin'"  Suddenly a voice rips through the air causing me to widen my eyes, "Jim?" Lee Thompkins says. "What-what are you Hey..." Oh, brother.

"You look well. You do too, (y/n)." She says earning a nod from me.

"Are you visiting?" Jim asks with slight hope in his voice.
" No, we're um, I'm-I'm moving here...Permanently...With my fiancé. He's been offered head trauma position at Gotham General." Oh shit.

"A doctor." My dad says choking on his words. "Good call, Lee. Now come on, Dad. We've got some things to do." "Right. Well, I'll see you around, Lee."


"What do you think about pizza for dinner?" Dad calls from the living room. "When have I ever said no to pizza?" I laugh pulling my boots on. "I can pick it up once I get done with my session." He nods kissing my head. "Be careful." "Always."

As I open the door I am met with the dark eyes of Jervis Tetch. "Oh, Hello Jervis." He smiles softly. "Hello, Ms. Gordon. Lovely to see you again. Is your father available?" I look over my shoulder and nods seeing Jim standing looking out the door.


I smile patting his arm. "I actually have to run, but you two have fun." I slide past Jervis. "Maybe another time Ms. Gordon." As I make my way down the hall I can hear my father grunt unapprovingly.

Jervis watches as she walks out of sight.
"Good day, Mr. Gordon." "How'd you find me?" "Oh, you're famous, sir. Your name's in the papers. The fearless bounty hunter. I want you to find my sister. We're very close. We lost our parents at an early age. I became her guardian. But her condition proved too much for me. I sought help. The fiend, Professor Strange."

Jim looks over the picture of Alice in his hands. "Her condition?" "Some poison in her blood. Very rare. Unique, in fact. He took her in. Said she needed constant supervision. He wouldn't let me see her."
"You go to the police?" Jervis shakes his head.  "Useless. This is Gotham after all. The years passed and I lost hope. But then I heard about the breakout. I assumed she escaped with others. But now she is out there. Alone. Afraid. Just think if someone you loved was lost. Plus, Indian Hill escapees get five grand from the GCPD." Jervis starts to open his coat pocket and grab a wad of cash.

"You able to top that?"  "I'll double it." He says with a smile.

"I'll see what I can do." "Thank you very much. You've seen so much pain and tragedy, Mr. Gordon. I hope it hasn't left you too alone." "I'm not alone. I've got my daughter." Jervis nods smiling. "And she is lucky to have you. Farewell, Mr. Gordon." Jervis walks away leaving Jim alone.

Was he really alone?

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