We met

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3rd pov

Garroth and Aph set out on a sprint as soon as Travis told them as they thought it could be Aaron and Y/N. As soon as they got there they were out of breath and sighed as it was neither of them. Turns out it is Aaron and Y/N's, sister. They went up behind her"thought you could sneak up on me" she said then Aph said "Melissa" and ran and hugged her and Garroth just stood there.Y/n would tell Garroth about her sister Melisa but he never met her. Once Aph let go off Melissa Garroth came and then he and Aph started asking questions about how Aaron and Y/N were doing."Aph, Garroth you don't know how happy I am to see you both"Mellisa smiled "and how happy you are asking about Aaron and Y/N," then they said "of course I love him/her" Mellisa just looked at them then Aph said "oh sorry come in, I am just excited to see how he is. "Aph led both Mellisa and Garroth in and they sat down. "Can I..." Melissa started then Garroth said "oh canIi take your jacket" she laughed "not that." there was silence for a second and her wolf ears popped out. Both Garroth and Aph stared at her in shock. Melissa looked at them both "is this too much" Garroth then replied, "No it's just well..." Then Aph said "we didn't know that Aaron and Y/N were..." "werewolves don't worry about it we have been hiding it for as long as I can remember. We even mask are scent so other werewolves have a hard time so they think we are human. My mother and I decided to hide our own ears since Y/N, Aaron and dad can't show there's. We felt it was wrong so we hid them as a family." Aph frowned "that must of been hard," "it wasn't so bad we just got used to being humans and lived our normal lives. You have no idea how bad it could have been if people found out about ultimas, they would never be able to live normal lives." Aph and Garroth replied "I understand." then Garroth said "back in high school I can see there were signs but-" Melissa cut him of"speaking of which, I heard the whole sorry about the lodge." "Oh," they replied looking down "well that in the past the uhh bad past let's forget about it and talk about something else hehe" she exclaimed nervously, "well how did you guys meet," she said looking at them both "huh" "well I have heard a bit but I count place it together between going military academy, college and under my dads eye how did you guys meet. Aph go first" "ok well..." (if you have watched it you will know what she will say and there's no point in me writing it so) After Aph had told her story it was Garroths turn "well it all started when well. I had to do a project with her in one of my classes where we would have to learn about each other and then write what we had learnt and the end. So we ended up eating together and well we talked about each other then I invited her to my house so we could finish the essay. " Mellissa then interrupts "so that's why she was late home"  "well yea anyway. we were talking and I guess we became friends." "that's when she became softer like Aaron" "Then when it came to prom I asked her and she said yes. Then we got there she said"I don't know why people make a big deal about it. All I want to remember is you" Then I brang her to an empty classroom where we first met and then we sat down and I said "well you know we go to different colleges next year" so we had our last dance and we kissed." "so cute," Melissa said and Garroth blushed "you guys have known each other for so long." " Yea, well we love them" Mellissa giggles "They love you too, they carnt stop talking about you guys" Then Aph said, "you said they are saying they love us so they are awake" Both Garroth and Aph smiled. "They woke a week ago so I came as soon as I could to tell you both. But" she took out two parcels "they wanted me to give this to you" she passes one to Aph and the other to Garroth. They both looked excited "is it alright if we go and open them" Aph asked and Melissa nodded. They ran really fast upstairs and Aph went to her bedroom and Garroth to the spare one.

Garroth ran in the room and shut the door. Once he opened it there was a letter and it read


I don't even know if you would read this but...

I am so sorry I didn't tell you what I was I was ashamed. I am a monster. I was worried you would hate me. you are my best friend and my lover... I didn't want to push you away

you brought me into your world as a friend when no one would then you became my family and I was happy to be with you.

and I wanted it to stay that way

But I forgot what I was ... and everyone had to pay for it. I'm so sorry...

i hope you are okay. That everyone's okay. Have they been helping you and Aph? have they been looking after you?

I can only imagine

How are Zane and Ena doing? Is Lucinda still making potions? I hope she hasn't stopped doing what she loves.

Is that Ghost still with Kim? Do you know who she is? I just want to talk to you... I want to hear your voice... I miss you so much...

I would do anything to see you

Thank you for the F/co. My mother kept them fresh and they are delicious. And knowing you sent them made me even happier.

i... I miss you Gar  I'm having a hard time but I will be fine... I am always thinking of you

please stay strong... for me 


P.S I put a picture of us in the box for you I love you

Garroth took the picture out of the box it was from prom. He started tearing up "I love you... i... I miss you. You will always be with me" he looks at his wrist was the F/C bandana "but does she know I am with her. she said she's having a hard time" he ran downstairs and so does Aph. and they ask Melissa "Can I go see him/her" Melissa looks at them "they wanted to see you guys too but ended up hurting themselves" "Are they okay," Aph asked " Physically" They looked worried "What does that mean?" Garroth asked Melissa sighed "well they are both re-living the nightmare. They both been out for five months and still think you're under the forever potion. They had to live that out over and over." "But we are okay we love them," Aph and Garroth both said "they don't know that and won't believe us" "it's all the more reason we should see them," Garroth said worriedly. Melissa brang both of them in a hug "they just need time to recover in a place they know they carnt hurt anyone." Both of them started tearing up "In time you will be able to see them" "I know it's just hard knowing they are hurting" "sh sh it's okay they are in a lovely place surrounded by nature and isolated. You carnt communicate using anything even now people are starting to ask questions. I will make sure you can send a thing to each other without worry. So if you want you can send something to them." They stood there thinking then got an idea, Aph ran upstairs and Garroth ran home. Garroth got a voice recorder, "she said she wants to hear my voice so" he turned it on and said 

"It took me a few months to realise but I know why you hid what you are. Y/N I love you and it doesn't matter what you are I fell in love with you. I am sorry you had to carry this secret for so long and sorry that I didn't understand. But it doesn't matter because you are no monster and if it is past, present or future I will always love you for you. And no one blames you. Everyone doing fine including me. They have all been looking out for me and Aph. They were all here when we came back, they wanted to make sure we were fine so you and Aaron didn't have to worry. Lucinda is still making potions and Kim well Ghost is still with her but she does not talk about herself. And I'm glad you liked the cookies it's the first time I cooked them so be ready for more. I wanted to record this message so you can hear my voice and know I'm alright and I'm here for you the way you are for me. I love you Y/N P.s thanks for the photo I will always remember you." Garroth clicked the stop button " I hope she will remember that I will always love her. wait I need to get this to Melissa" He ran out the door and sprinted down the road to Aphs house...

A/N- I am so sorry I haven't updated I have just had writer's block so I watched through the video to get some ideas. On the bright side, it's finally out and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to post more often bye😊

Aphmau and Garroth's year (Book two, Garroth x reader)Where stories live. Discover now