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At Aphs house with Aph, Garroth and Mellisa

After Melisa came in both Aph and Garroth took the ears and tail off and went downstairs to talk to Mellisa. When they sat down they were both embarrass as Mellisa tried to start a conversation, "So do you guys work out" "Mellisa" Aph said looking down and Mellisa started to giggle "So what exactly were you guys doing" "Nothing"  Garroth replied quickly "You were wearing wolf ears and tail, and your telling me you weren't doing anything" Aph then said "Its just an old costume we have" Mellisa was not buying in "You both happened to have similar wolf  costume lying about, why?" Garroth looked at her and replied "Well when you say it like that i-it sounds really bad we just uhh" "We can't hide it any more can we?" Aph said while blushing and Mellisa laughs "No you can not. Seriously no need to be secretive around me what were you guys up to?" "i-i wanted to be closer to Aaron in some way and Garroth closer to Y/N" she stuttered Mellisa then said "Not the answer I  was expecting but-" she was cut off by Aph screaming "Mellisa!" and Garroth blushes "sorry, any way you don't need ears and a tail to feel close to Aaron and Y/N" Garroth then said "we just want to understand what they are going through. maybe you can help us understand" "hmmm...  truth be told I don't think I can the only other person would be our dad as I'm not an Ultima" "your dad?" Aph questioned "yeah, he's with Aaron and Y/n right now trying to help them so the only other person would be Aaron and Y/n" "I see" Aph and Garroth said with tears in the corners of there eyes  "let's change the subject yeah. let's talk about the reason I am here which is starlight" Mellisa giggled and continued "My dad wanted me to come and check that  you were both ready to meet Aaron and Y/n at starlight" Garroth and Aph looked confused and Garroth said "But there are three months left" "well you see three months goes by so fast so I want to make sure your ready to get packed and everything" "three months left to see Aaron" Aph said both Aph and Garroth smiled and Mellisa giggled "oh and here you go" Mellisa passes Garoth and Aph a ticket for starlight. Garroth looked at the ticket and said "but I thought Aaron was doing this for Aph why do i have one "well since Y/n is also going to starlight as she helped out you both get to go" Garroth smiled "This means its official in three months I will pick you both up and dive you to the airport were you will get on one of that aeroplane... boat... thingies." Aph smiled "fancy" "yep my dad wants you all to be happy. remember this is for you two,  Aaron and Y/N only so you can ask all your questions then and maybe even were those wolf ears for them" Both Garroth and Aph blush and shout "Mellisa!" Mellisa giggles "well I have to get going, I just wanted to make sure you were both alright to put Aaron and Y/N mind at ease as they have been worrying" they both smiled and Aph said "thanks Mellisa" "hmm you know I have been wondering a human and a wolf what type of pu-" Garroth and Aph cut her off while blushing bright red "Mellisa!" Mellisa giggled and Aph quickly pushed Mellis to the door "you need to go now don't you?" "Aww don't you want to talk about it" they both shook their heads and she headed off

With Terry, Travis and Kaytlin

They are all sitting down laughing after having had a manicure as they told some jokes. Then Terry looked at Travis's nails and said "your nails look fabulous Kayty here was right you needed a manicure" "of course I was right, I've always been good at making Travis look cuter than he already is" Kaytlin replied and Travis said "Aww my little blueberry stop" Terry looked at them and said "you guys are just too cute. Kaytlin I am so happy that Travis has someone like you to brighten his life, thank you so much" Katlin was almost speechless "well err thank you, Terry" the waiter then came over "your check" "I've got it" Terry quickly replied and then said "let me drive you two home for such a wonderful time out" they both nodded and headed for the car.

As they got home both Kaytlin and Travis step out the car and Terry thanks them once again "thank you for a wonderful day, it warms my heart to see you so happy Travis" "Thanks, dad" Terry smiled "I will call you later maybe I will come over and visit again soon, love you son" "love you too dad" Travis said just as he left down the street and Kaytlin started speaking to Travis "wow Travis you dad is great" Travis smiled "heh he is, he's always been there, always concerned about my happiness" "I can tell" "Hey, Kaytlin you look really beautiful" "thanks Travis" "hey I was wondering if you wanted to-" he was cut off by some knocking "what was that" Kaytlin asked "umm it might be a woodpecker we have one in the yard it being spring" "oh right, anyway you were saying" "well I wanted to know if you wanted to watch Netflix's and-" the Knocking cut him of eaven louder this time "That does not sound like a wood pecker" Travis then mumbles "it's going to be fried chicken if it doesnt shut-" the knocking carried on "Travis it sounds like its coming froms Aphs house." 

They both walked to Aphs to see a werewolf at the door "Hello?" Kaytlin asked then the werewolf replied, "Oh, hi" "you're knocking on Aphs door kinda loudly, are you a friend of hers?" "I absolutely am, I am Dottie and I am looking for  Aphmau and Garroth" Travis looked at her and asked, "don't you have a phone to call them on?" Dottie replied "well hehe I left it at home forgot it again I just wanted to stop by and give them this book on werewolves I have but since they are not answering I will just leave it at the door," Kaytlin then asked her "I can call them if you like?" "No, no it's fine I need to go anyway so I will leave it here. I am so sorry for bothering you though I guess I don't know my own strength see ya" Dottie walks off down the street. then Travis asks "do you know who that was?" "no, I do not although she looks familiar I can not place the name" "do you recognise her?" "sort off, Aphmau hung around with a lot of werewolves back in high school so I assume its one of them" "she did?" Travis asked confused "for some reason I don't remember that very well" "she did  besides I have always been so cautious of Aph around werewolves, to be honest, I still am" "why?" Travis is being a bit strange but Kaytlin didn't notice "They tend to be violent Casey was hut by one badly" "you know I heard things about werewolves. Tell me, have you ever heard of the story about the Ultima werwolf" "Umm the ultima werewolf no I haven't" "well then, I have an interesting story to tell you. some I will tell you on the way home."

A/N Guys I am sorry this has come out a bit late I have been ill the last few days, either way, I hope you enjoy the new chapter and I hope you all had a great easter see you next time bye😃

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