High School was a lie

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So first there's something that you need to know. All that stuff with Voldemort, the whole destroying the world and taking over the muggles to make them slaves while subjugating all wizards and creating a wizard version of Nazi Germany, was a lie. It was literally just the 7th years pranking us. In muggle High Schools they call them senior pranks, for us it's the 7th year pranks, and when I was a 1st year they went all out trying to convince me that I was the chosen one and that all that Voldemort crap was real. The 7th years after that thought it was so funny that they just kept it going, and by the time I was a 7th year basically the entire Wizard community had an unspoken agreement to keep the prank going. I'll admit, I legit thought that I was the chosen one and my mom's love had saved me and that I could use it to kill Voldemort and all that. 

Needless to say I was kind of annoyed when they finally told me. Hermione was in on it the whole time, she said she was impressed by how I conducted myself but still thought I was an idiot for thinking I could take on all of the evil in the world at once. Ron was just as clueless as I was, which makes me feel a little better I guess. 

Yes, before you ask both my parents are really dead. Also Hagrid didn't go to Azkaban, he was just on vacation. And no, Dumbledore wasn't murdered, he just knew he was going to die and wanted to give his life for the prank. When I say they went all out, I'm not kidding.

That's it for background knowledge. Time for college. Heh, that rhymed.

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