Let's Be Blunt

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"Repeat after me, Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia," Professor Lockhart droned.

"Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia," the class responded, sounding dutifully bored and mindless.

"Two plus two equals five." 

"Two plus two equals five." 

I followed along, bored, having come down from the morning high. The munchies eating away at my stomach. In one corner of the lecture hall a guy quietly snored, the girl next to him frantically took notes. I didn't blamer her. Introduction to Critical Thought was known for being a hard class.

"Hey Harry," the guy next to me whispered. I searched my mind for his name but gave up after a few seconds.

"Yeah, what?" The light hurt my eyes. 

"How much for a bubble blunt?" 

I squinted at the guy. He was around my height, brown haired and a little pudgy. How did he know I dealt? 

"Uh, like $30." 

The guy rummaged around in his backpack before producing three ten dollar bills, which he handed to me. I just stared at him for a second. He was actually doing this in the middle of class. We might as well start warming up the bong. I shrugged. $30 was $30. 

"Thanks man," the guy said after I handed him his contraband from my backpack. Yeah, I carry the drugs with me. My dorm room got robbed a couple weeks ago. Shoot me. 

The guy leaned back in his chair. We were in the back row so I guessed he was going to take a nap or something and, ignoring him, went back to ignoring Dr. Lockhart. 

Murmurs around the room and a dank smell pulled me back to reality and I turned to see the guy taking a giant inhale through the bubble blunt, a huge cloud of bubbles escaping from his mouth as he breathed out. Panic suddenly rushed through my chest. What the bloody hell? I tried to stand up covertly and exit the room, but froze as I heard Dr. Lockhart's voice. 

"Going somewhere, Mr. Potter?" The teacher chuckled, "Even on my various voyages with vampires I never saw something so outrageous." 

Now, I know what you're thinking. Gilderoy Lockhart? He lost his mind when an obliviate spell backfired didn't it? Nope. That was an act and he did it for the prank. Please, actually shoot me. 

"Please sit down Mr. Potter, I'll deal with you and your bubbly friend there after class."  

I sighed. Lockhart was actually a really talented wizard, if I tried to get away he could easily stop me, so I sat down. 

"Thank you. Now, where were we... Ah yes! Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia..."  

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