title number 9

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"I'm pregnant, Harry."

My head snapped up and I looked at Ginny, shocked.

"Just kidding," she said, "I only wanted to get your attention." I wanted to talk to you about Ron, he's worrying me-

The familiar image of an old oak tree that I apparated to when stressed showed up in my range of vision. It grew in a rarely visited courtyard of the herbology building, and a two-person swing hung from it's branches.

I lay back on the swing, staring up at the sky. I'd buried Tom riddles diary at the base of this tree and now dug it up. During the prank they'd said it was a horcrux, but really it was just a book charmed to respond to the writer.

"I'm dispicable," I wrote.

"Yes you are." It responded.

I sighed, Horcrux had been serious initially but the spell had faded and he had trouble focusing now.

"Please console me, Horcrux."

"Go hug a tree."

I sighed again, longer this time, and with more sadness. At least the tree wouldn't judge me for being the biggest joke of the wizarding world.

I wrapped my arms around the giant oak, wetting it's bark with my tears.

"I love you tree," I whispered.

"I love you too," the tree whispered back.

That was kind of odd, but I didn't really mind in my current state.

How the hell was I going to fix my life? I'd destroyed things with Ron, Ginny would find out soon enough and it would break her heart, and even though all we ever did together was literally sleep, Hermione said it was the best sleep of her life and I couldn't take that away from her. My grades were garbage, President Horseshuckle was right that I'd never amount to anything. It was only a matter of time before I ran out of my parents money ended up selling my kidneys in diagon alley.

I steeled myself. There was an answer. I had to make more money, so much money that I could buy anything I wanted in life and fix anything that went badly. I needed to deal more drugs.

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