$$ Bill Y'all

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  So colleges in the US are expensive, and The University is in the US. Also it's the only upper wizard education so it's hella expensive. Some things never change.

  It's kind of ironic that I'm paying this much for my education since I never go to class anyway, but I try not to worry too much about it. I've come up with a great way of making money during the school year anyway.

"How much do I owe you for the meth?" The guy asking the question was a junior, two years older than me. He was pretty gaunt and skinny, with some wicked blonde hair. I could almost see through it. 100% a narc.

"$1200," I handed him the 2.5 ounce bag.

The guy looked back at me, shocked. "$1200?" He asked incredulously, "it was only $800 last time."

I shrugged. "I overdrafted my credit card. Gotta pay that bad boy back somehow."

Blond boy stared at me angrily and I casually shifted my hand to where my wand was. We were behind the Defense Against the Dark Arts building, which was huge, and completely grey in color. It looked bleak, just like all the rest of the buildings on campus. Whether that was on purpose or not, I had no idea, but it did give the impression that nobody would be able to hear you scream. In fact, I was pretty sure there was some form of charm on campus to accomplish just that.

"Look here," blond boy had his own hand on his wand, "I'll pay you $800 for it, that's the current illegal price, and if you refuse then," the guy smiled slightly, "I guess I'll have to drop a tip to administration."

"BS," I responded. "You go and talk to them, you'll bloody well go down with me."

The dude's smile widened, "not if my dad is the dean of potions."

I suddenly began to feel my heartbeat in my chest. I had a sort of PTSD from the whole Voldemort family killing life eviscerating lie experience, so I didn't do well in stressful situations. That was why I never went to class or took tests. I tried to control myself, the last time this happened somebody ended up in the infirmary ward.

I took several deep breaths.

The guy laughed and pulled his wallet out of his pocket, "never mess with nepotists, bub. Why don't you double the dose while we're at it? Two for the price of one sounds nice today."

I snapped. My wand rocketed out of my pocket, almost of its own accord, and I pointed it directly at the guy.

"Obliviate." I stated calmly, then, "duro,"and finally, "reducto."

The first spell wiped the kids mind, the second turned his whole body, except for his clothes, into stone, and the third reduced him to a small pile of rubble.

I froze. Did I just kill a guy? I didn't have time to think much about it, I grabbed the meth, took all the money out of the guys wallet before destroying it as well, and ran.

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