Only the Beginning

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My vision began to swarm with red anger, blinding me from any mercy I might have had several minutes ago. My eyes had a new malicious glint in them right then. And it took all my will power not to murder anyone right then and there.

"Cut the entire gold flow from Molly Weasley, Ronald Weasley, Ginerva Weasley, the entire Order of the Burning Chickens, except for Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Nymphadora Tonks," I demanded, my voice cold with suppressed rage. "And with the other transactions, just lessen the flow by twenty percent. The Hogwarts fund shall continue as is, but shift the donor name to mine."

The goblin in front of me had it's face twisted into a disgusted grimace at the fact something this important had gone unnoticed for years.

I slumped back in my seat and closed my eyes after having stood up in rage from only several minutes prior, practically drained from of energy due to the stress of today. A perfectly good day was ruined. No longer can I enjoy the sunny weather outside thanks to many different bloody bastards pulling the wool over my eyes. Half of my friends are not who they said they are their relationships with me are the fakest things money could buy. Literally.

At the very least several of them knew about the transactions and decided to pay them back, including some form of interest. Hermione Granger, my godfather and Remus as well. And about half the Weasley's too, specifically the twins, Bill, Charley, and quite surprisingly Percy himself.

And my so-called hero, was the villain in my life story since day one of anything. It just so happened to be one name, and two words. Someone you wouldn't ever expect to be evil, or at least a level of evil. It was Albus Dumbledore.

I mulled through my thoughts, and ended up looking back on any memories I had of Dumbledore, and now the subtle differences of a good or evil person showed to be if the bad sorts with Dumbledore. That made me realize Snape looked angelic compared to the bastard of a headmaster.

And all this shite from the supposed 'Light side Leader' decided to reel it's head the day right before my birthday. What a lovely thing to have as an early birthday gift.

I woke up without a hitch. The sun shining, a beautiful melody from the birds outside, and the smell of chocolatey pancakes wafting in from the kitchen downstairs. Must have been Aunt Petunia's turn to cook this morning, I thought with a soft smile.

Ever since they took me in as a baby after my parents were murdered by Voldemort, I have lived a good life. Not pampered to be a spoiled brat, or treated like a slave as popular beliefs are, but raised to be a polite and courteous young adult. Without them, I don't know where I would be.

I quickly got dressed and followed the mouthwatering smell into the dining room, fresh pancakes on the table along with my uncle absorbed in the newspaper, Dudley staring out the window in his usual fashion, and my aunt getting out plates and cutlery for the table. "Good morning!" I exclaimed jovially.

"Good morning Harry. Are you looking forward to tomorrow?" my Uncle Vernon asked as he tore his eyes from the endless articles in his hands.

I nodded excitedly. "Quite so!"

"That's nice Harry, but could you please help set the table? I forgot to do that before I started fixing breakfast," my aunt asked. I quickly walked over to grab the plates to give my aunt a little more speed to set the silverware in place. "Dudley, hun, stop daydreaming for right now. You can worry about story ideas after breakfast, alright? I want you to be in the real world for meals at least."

Dudley came back to earth quite quickly, and looked at his mother with a sheepish smile. "Of course. Sorry mother." Aunt Petunia just gave a small shake of her head in response.

We sat down and ate breakfast, discussing plans for the day. Daily 9-5 jobs, chores, and what we would do in our free time. Quite the reoccurring conversation over the mornings of the week.

After eating, I volunteered to wash the dishes so everyone could leave to their own devices. They all gratefully accepted and left the room complimenting Aunt Petunia are her wonderful cooking skills. When the dishes were clean, dried and put away, I made my way upstairs to my bedroom. When I opened the door, I saw a beautiful half gold half white owl at my window sill. Walking over to the window, I opened the darn thing to let the owl in. Which just happened to give me two letters. I gave the owl some water and what was left of Hedwig's owl treats, as she had been gone for several weeks now.

The owl hooted gratefully, a sound exactly like Hedwig's. The owl then hopped onto the open perch I had in my room for Hedwig. Filing that odd scene away for later, I glanced down at the letters in my hands. One was the normal Hogwarts letter letting me know the supplies I need for my coming year, and the other one was a brown envelope with it addressed to me.

Deciding to open the brown envelope first, I pulled out a letter with the official Gringotts stamp on the outer layer of the contents inside. Gringotts needing to send something to me had me confused and flabbergasted. But as I read the letter, I began to understand why. My mood which was originally set to easygoing and happened, shifted to sad and betrayed, then to anger. All I did was set the letter down, and walk downstairs. I left with a vague explained as to why I was headed out. They didn't prod much, just watched me leave with concerned expressions on their faces.

The tale after this is unneeded.

In the course of only three hours, this day became one of the worst in my entire life. Seriously, betrayal isn't something to take lightly. "Bloody bastards," I muttered under my breath, the words laced with venom. I just shook my head, luck always had a habit of going downhill when at least one good thing happens in my life. That's been proved time and time again.

Letting a long breath escape my lips, I slowly opened my eyes to stare at the room in front of me, allowing me to notice that the goblin from earlier had left. My eyes began to wander and tak3 in the immense detail of what was depicted in priceless materials around the room. A battle, was what it seemed like. Wizards on any flying animal you could think of, with creatures I have never seen before. It was quite, disturbing by how familiar it felt.

Then came a ragged knock from the door, snapping out of my day-dreamy stupor. Quickly blinking to regain my focus, I shout in a more bored tone, "Come in."

"Thank you Mr. Potter," a goblin's voice rang out in the echoy space as they entered the room.

I looked up and immediately straightened my posture as I saw it was none other than the head goblin of Gringotts bank was standing in front of me. In the most respectful tone I could manage, I greeted him. "May your gold flow, and enemies fall at your feet, sir."

The Gringotts goblin responded, "And the same you you Mr. Potter. But please, call me Ragnok." A a pause. "Now, do you know why I am here, Mr. Potter?"

I shook my head, replying, "No, Ragnok, sir."

"Well then, as I am sure you know, your birthday is tomorrow, and based on your pureblood lineage, you have quite the chance of becoming a rare and unique creature."

My eyes widened in confusion and surprise. "But, I am not a pureblood. Nor do I have what you call a creature inheritance. I don't even know what the bloody hell a creature inheritance even is."

And I don't think I could've told if something was wrong if was not for the look of pure murderous rage on his face.

Your Move (Discontinued, but summary of what happened inside)Where stories live. Discover now