Sexual Tension

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My eyes fluttered open, and I let out a long, pained groan. Reason being that my head felt as it had been trampled by thousands of hippogryffs.

So, massive headache.

I slowly opened my eyes, but quickly snapped then shut again as I saw blinding white. Not even new hospital white, just white. And it hurt my eyes, making the headache much much worse.

Forcing my eyes to open to a squint to make the light more bearable, I took a quick glance around and noticed the pale blonde laying next to me. I sat myself up and was able to open my eyes completely. I tried to shake Malfoy awake.

When that didn't work, I leaned down next to his ear, and...

"FERRET!" I yelled.

The other's response was a punch in the face and many... unpleasant words strung together in surprise.

I rubbed my nose where Malfoy had hit me. "Ow," I say, my voice somewhat comical with my navel slightly closed.

"P-potter! You barbaric oaf! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

I just shot a cheeky grin his way, followed by several words. "Got you up, didn't it? Anyways, onto more pressing matters, where are we?"

"As if I know, you twat. It's just plain white. Nothing much to look at, if I may add."

"True. But does this have something to do with the unbinding ceremony?"

"Most likely."

I grumbled in annoyance. Goblins do seem to withhold a lot of information. Or they actually don't know some things, proven by them not knowing of Dumb-old-dingbat's wrongdoings.

"Potter..." Malfoy said, seeming a little, terrified?

I turned my gaze to follow his, and what I saw left me with a mouth hanging open as far as it would possibly go. In front of us stood five people. Glad in green, red, blue, yellow, and black.

"The Hogwarts founders..." I trailed off, my mind still trying to process everything that was going on.

"THESE people are the Hogwarts founders?" Malfoy asked incredulously, surprise mirrored in his own eyes.

"I think since four of the people are wearing the main house colors, one to each, that they would be the house founders."

"What about the fifth person then?"

"Where the name 'Hogwarts' came from. A little snidbit of info one of the goblins told me."

"If you are quite done with the... banter and staring, I would like to move on," the one I assumed to be Slytherin, interrupted.

"Oh, sorry sir," I responded, somewhat ashamed by my lack of manners.

"It is quite alright Mr. Potter, it would be quite normal for this situation. Meeting your ancestors is not something many people experience," the one in black spoke.

Malfoy gave me a look. "Ancestors, Potter?"

I just responded with a "You don't want to know," to Malfoy.

He quirked one of his eyebrows in a classical Malfoy fashion. "Do I Potter?"

I just rolled my eyes with a snort. Of course almost every word between the two of us sounds like an implied challenge. Shaking my head, I replied a simple response, "Malfoy, dear Malfoy. They, became a part of the Potter lineage when they were alive. I think you can figure out the rest."

I smirked when I saw him fumble through his mind for several moments, and eyes become wide when he made the relization.

"What young Potter said here, is true. We five are his direct ancestors. How we know he is our decendant, is because we watch over him, like most of his and quite many other family's ancestors do," Hogwarts informed.

Your Move (Discontinued, but summary of what happened inside)Where stories live. Discover now