The Shadows Intertwined

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Luna's P.O.V.

I smiled softly at the glossy picture with heart doodles around the main focus that resided in my hands. Of my best friend. The one I dreamed of spending the rest if my life with in eternal happiness similar to out previous lives.

I closed my eyes, happily humming to the nargles' song I heard in the background as I remembered the joyous times if the distant past. No matter if we were male, or female, we somehow always ended up together. Our love could be labeled as immortal, never-ending. Just like ourselves and our friends.

But of course, these memories came with a price. I opened my eyes into narrow slits, my happiness melting slowly into volcanic anger, ready to erupt. The nargles immediately scattered, but kept up a song, just more powerful and dramatic than before. I easily remembered the gory scene. So vivid as if it happened not even two hours ago.

I stood at the top of the staircase and I watched in complete horror and terror as the grisly scene unfolded.

People forced their way through the door as my mother screamed 'hide' at my father and I with tears in her eyes. The look in those beautiful orbs speckled with red and gold was one I knew I would never forget.

Her plea was why I was up here in the first place, watching the people torture her, yelling the cruciatus curse time and time again, my mother in a trembling heap on the floor. My mind was racing.

'Where's father? Why isn't he helping mother? Why am I not helping her?'

"Tell us," demanded one of the malicious strangers. "Where the child is. If you do, you and your good for nothing husband will be spared. If not..." he hummed a bit, turning his head away for a quick second before facing my mother again right in the face, "Well, I think that part is obvious."

Mother snarled. "I will NEVER let that... monster get his grubby hands on my daughter!"

The man chuckled lowly, dangerously. "I will give you ONE more chance to hand her over. That child, is dangerous to this world. Her memories of the past will bring the wizarding world down to it's knees!" He growled out the last bit. "She is a danger to everything our society knows!"

"She is going to bring it back to glory!" she screeched, pushing herself off the floor, her eyes raging with fury, hands glowing with power. "This secret society around the globe has fell into ruins since the most powerful wizard, one of the Potters for lord sake's, was murdered by your oh so delightful," she spat that part out, "Leader. The one who everyone turns a blind eye to. Whom everyone loves."

"So true madame. Shame it has to end this way," he feigned sadness as a sadistic grin spread across his face. It made me worried, and I clutched the wood railing closer, acting as if it could solace me.

"Shame that the world has sick shitty bastard like you!" she growled, but it was cut off by a scream of pain as red light shot from the man's wand. "You," she said through the cries of her pain. "Will. Never. Win."

The man's eyes grew wide in fury, he snarled out the one thing I never thought I would lay eyes on. "Avada Kedavra!"

It felt as if time had slowed down to where each second was a single minute. All I could here was my own heartbeat, and the cry for my mother as I watched her body suddenly fall. I felt the tears streaming down my face. It was so slow, but before I knew it, I was right in front of the man.

Your Move (Discontinued, but summary of what happened inside)Where stories live. Discover now