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I pretty much fell down the ladder after hearing what Ragnok said.

Somehow managing to cast a last second cushioning charm, I thankfully didn't break any bones.

But on my quick fall down, names of creatures popped out to me somehow, almost like it was a calling.

I landed with a loud thump, my body sprawled out uncomfortably on the floor.

Pulling myself into a sitting position, I asked, "Ragnok, could you please explain some other creatures to me?"

"What such creatures?" He asked in response, joining me in sitting on the floor.

"Like an elemental thestral, a shadow phoenix, a King Wyvern, a raven hydra, and a lunar kitsune?"

Ragnok paled yet again, and I just rolled my eyes this time.

"Those, are creatures that are extremely rare. That are considered extinct. The last sightings of those creature was practically at the time of Merlin himself."

"Welp, some of my ancestors had those specific creatures as creature inheritances, so I was curious."

"In short, an elemental thestral can only be seen by those who have mastered the almost extinct branch of elemental magic. A shadow phoenix, even though it's name suggests otherwise, is not a dark creature, but one of mysteriousness. It's seen by those who speak firetongue and have mastered the shadow arts.  A king Wyvern are the most rare of Wyverns, and will only speak to the most powerful, and kindhearted leaders. The king Wyvern also prefers to speak to those with the ability of dragoncasting, a gift very few people have, and are born with. It allows the user to speak to any kind of dragon, and cast Dragon magic. The raven hydra, is a hydra of the darkest black, and symbolates death, in a manner of speaking. To communicate with this dragon, you need to have dragoncasting, as well as darktongue, the language of death. And lastly, the Lunar kitsune, is a nighttime creature seen by those who are said to be descendants of a person who was an ethereal being, one connected to the moon.  And have the ability to cast lunar magic, something no-one has seen in thousands and thousands of years," Ragnok explained like he was reading from a textbook.

"Ok. Long story short, my ancestors were ridiculously powerful. And apparently ridiculously good with ancient types of magic. Hell, probably created those types of magic."

"I wouldn't put it past your family to have done so."

"Well, now that we have done some research on my ancestors," I said, glancing at the image the size of the tower of London, "Let's take a closer at my parents."

Ragnok nodded in agreement. "I would like to see what creature your mother was, seeing as you need to be a pureblood to have a creature inheritance."

I stared at Ragnok. "Are you saying my mother, who people think to actually be a muggleborn, is actually a pureblood?"

"Yes. That is actually quite common with those who have creature inheritances. Most assumed muggleborns and halfbloods are actually purebloods from a long line of pureblood squibs. It's something in the core that just makes the person much stronger with magic, and the funny thing is, the people who were once squibs are able to do full-fledged magic after said witch or wizard goes through an inheritance. Which seems to have been the case for your mother."

I slowly took in Ragnok's words, mulling over the fact that my Aunt Petunia was able to cast magic based on what Ragnok had said.

I started looking for my mother's picture on the family tree. When I found it, I was shook to my core at what I read.

"Ragnok, I found my mother's portrait," I said, and when I addressed the portrait of my mother, the picture was casted out into a magnified version, the words much easier to read now.

Your Move (Discontinued, but summary of what happened inside)Where stories live. Discover now