Chapter 1

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*Stella's P.O.V*

"Wake up you lazy arse,"  My sister, Jewels, screamed in my ear, deafening me. I groaned and turned the opposite way, pulling the covers over my face. Seconds later she jumps on top of me as her knees jammed into my stomach.  I squeezed my eyes shut, groaning in pain. 

"Oh, sorry," she giggled, pulling the covers off my face.  I squinted as the light from my bedroom lamp blurred my vision for a few seconds.  I rubbed my eyes, ridding myself of the black dots as I sat up. 

"So," Jewels started, "you awake now?" I glared at her before kicking her off my bed. 

"What do you think?" I asked, climbing out of bed.  I stepped over Jewels, who was sprawled out on the carpet, walking over to my vanity.  I winced as I took in my reflection.  My long brown hair stuck to my pale face, making me look like a troll.  My eyes, slightly red and puffy, made me look exhausted and worn out. My lips lacked their usual soft texture and was now dry and crusty.  Ew.  I seriously look like I stepped out of a horror movie.

"I think you're not a morning person," Jewels answered, getting up from the floor as she made her way into my closet.  "That and you look like crap,"

I rolled my eyes, pulling my hair back and into a pony tail, "Thanks for the encouraging comment."

"That's what I'm here for," she shrugged.  I shook my head before looking at my reflection one last time.  Sighing, I walked into my bathroom and began my morning routine.  I brushed my teeth, washed my face and combed out the birds nest I call my hair.  After I'm finished I place my hair in a messy bun and walk into my closet.  Jewels, who I thought left, was rummaging through my clothes.

"What are you doing?" I ask her as I pick up the rolling stones t-shirt I wore from the other day and throw it into my hamper.  "I'm picking out an outfit for you," she simply answered, pulling out a flower printed blouse. "I think this will go good with the jeans I picked out," she held it up to me.

I pushed it away, "I know how to dress myself, Jewels."

She laughed, "Are you sure about that?"

I glare at her before pulling the clothes she held out of her hands and putting them back in their original place.  "Yes, I'm sure."

She raises her hands in defense, "I was only trying to help."

"Sure you were." she shrugs and walks out of my room, closing the door.  I sigh and try to focus my attention on which outfit to wear. 

I end up wearing my 'all monsters are human' crop top I bought after watching the first season of AHS, high wasted jean shorts and white Toms.  Jewels, of course, didn't approve of my choice and told me I should change into something with a little more class to it, which of course led to me flipping her off.

However, I did listen to her when she told me to at least put a little makeup on.  I quickly went into my room and rummaged through my makeup bag, trying to find ones that would suit with my look.  I end up applying a thin line of eyeliner, making my eyes instantly pop, before coating my eyelashes with mascara.  Afterwards, I pat my cheeks with blush and then applied my favorite bubblegum lip gloss to my heart shaped lips.  My face was overall clean from acne so I didn't need any foundation or concealer to add on. 

"Time to go Stella," my mom yelled to me from  downstairs.  I threw my makeup back into my drawer before grabbing my jacket and running down the stairs.

Everyone was piling into the car when my stomach growled, "Mum, I'm starving."

She sighed and rubbed her face, "Uh, I guess we'll pick something up?" I nodded and took my seat in between Jewels and Kalie before my mom started the car.  Dad was in the passenger seat on the phone with a client, shushing Pation and Lily who were making airplane noises. 

"Girls, be quiet please," he begged them, trying his best to keep his voice calm and steady.

"No!" Lily screamed, kicking the back of my seat which caused me to drop my phone.  I slowly turn and glared at her, "You wanna try that again?" Her eyes widen as she shakes her head and shrinks back in her car seat.  I smirk and turn back around, picking up my cellphone.

"Thank you," my dad sighs, before going back to the conversation he was having with his client.  I nod and unlock my phone, opening up Twitter to see that I've gained ten new followers.  I follow them all back before exiting out and opening up Candy Crush. 

"What level are you on?" Jewels asks, glancing at my phone.  I look back at the screen and then back at her, "641, I think."

"I'm at 650 ," She smirks.

"Damn," I say, looking at my cell, "I'm slacking." She laughs and nods her head. 

For the remainder of the car ride I was glued to my phone, determined to kick Jewels' arse at this game.

"We're here," mum announced as she slowly pulled into the driveway of the carnival.  My eyes instantly lit up once I took in the view in front of me.  Rides, cotton candy, pretzels, games etc.  This place was like a gold mine. 


First chapter done! *pumps fist in the air* I know it's a bit short but I'm in a rush so this was all I was able to do.  I promise though that the next chapter will be a little longer!

Love you all! Bye! xxx.

Hiraeth // n.h (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now