Chapter 7

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Thanks to all of your lovely comments I've decided to keep the bookYes, you heard me right, I am keeping the book *fist pumps the air* oh yeah! lol Anyways, hope you all enjoy this chapter since you've been waiting for it for a while now and tell me what you guys think! Okay, love you


"So," Mother spoke up, looking at us both and smiling, "Did you two have fun?"

Jewels and I look at each other and agree that we did, "Surprisingly, yes," I admit, "I thought our fighting would interfere with us doing so, but it didn't."

"So that means you two didn't fight?" Dad asks in shock, "The world must be spinning off its axis." 

I roll my eyes and laugh, "Very funny dad." Jewels shakes her head at dads comment, taking a bite out of her cinnamon pretzel.


After we just about finished our food, we threw away the leftovers in the trash.

"Let's go on that one," Jewels squeals, pointing at Skull Mountain.  She smiles, looking back at dad. "Dad, can we please go on that one?"

Dad took one glance at the rollercoaster before he quickly turned around, fleeting. Jewels and I watch him in  amusement as he zipped his way through the crowds of people.

I shake my head and laugh, "Anyways," Jewels says, changing the topic of conversation. "What's going on between you and Niall?"

I choke on my saliva, staring at her wide eyed, "What are you talking about? Nothing is going on." 

"Oh please, if I hadn't interrupted your little moment you two would've kissed," she puts air quotes around the word moment.

"I guess you're right," I sigh. "But its not like anything is going to happen between us now.  I don't even have his number."

"You mean to tell me you were this close to kissing and you don't even ask his stupid number?" she gaps, making me feel like an idiot for not going so.

"Yeah?" I answer, scratching the back of by neck awkwardly. "I was distracted.  The last thing on my mind was to ask for his number."

She sighs, shaking her head in  disappointment, "Have I taught you nothing?"

I roll my eyes, "Well, what do I do now? If I don't have his number how am I ever going to see him again?"

"I don't know," she shrugs.  "I guess we'll have to figure it out somehow."

I nod, looking down at my shoes.  After about a minute or two I gasp, remembering something, " Wait, Niall told me early to watch MTV and that then I'll know why those girls were chasing us."

"There were girls chasing you?" she asks in disbelief. "Why? What happened?"

I shake my head, "Its s long story."

"Come on girls," Dad calls out to us. "Let's go home. I don't know how much more of this screaming and yelling I can take." He refers to the little kids running around us.

We walk towards the exit that led to the parking lot.  After about five minutes we began to enter the bad part of town.  An uneasy feeling starts to form in the pit of my stomach.  "Where did you park the car dad?" I ask, nervously glancing behind me.

"Uh, not far from here I think." he answers, oblivious to where we exactly are.

I nod, still feeling unsure about this whole thing, "Okay." I switch Lily to the right side of my hip, tightening my grip around her waist.


I immediately stop walking, "Did you guys here that?"

They all stop and looked back at me confused, "Hear what?" Mum asks, grabbing a hold of dads arm.

"Wait, be quiet," I shush her, furrowing my brows. "Listen."

They remained quiet, looking around to try and hear what I hear.  Then it happened again.


I gasp, "There," I point to a tree that stood a mere ten feet from us. 


"What is that?" Mum whispers, slowly backing away as she pulls dad with her.


Hiraeth // n.h (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now