Chapter 4

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*Stella's P.O.V*

"Tickets please," the employee in charge of the ride said to Jewels and I.  Jewels handed him the ticket with a smile.  He thanked her then turned his attention to me.

"Ticket please," he repeated.  I pulled out the orange wrinkly ticket out of my back pocket, brushing away the bits of dust that was attached to it.  Right when I was about to hand it to him someone bumped into me, causing the ticket to slip out of my grasp and fall into the crowed.  I tried to catch it but couldn't which caused me to lose my balance.  I tried to grab onto someone or something but only felt air.  Right when I was about to come in contact with the ground, I closed my eyes.  I waited for the impact, but it never came.  I slowly opened my eyes and looked down to find myself in someone's embrace.

"Are you okay?" a thick Irish accent asks me.  I tense and slowly look up to meet the eyes of a blonde boy.  I stare wide eye at him, frozen in place.  He looks at me with concern as his eyes scannedy face. 

"Are you okay?" he asks again, still holding me in his arms.  I try responding, but my mouth wouldn't move.  All I was able to do was stare at his face.  It was so beautiful. 

"Sorry I bumped into you," he said, snapping me out of my thoughts, "I didn't look where I was going." I nod in response.  He smiles which causes me to smile too.

Wait, what am I doing?  I quickly push him off of me and take a step back.  He looks a but bit taken back by my actions and even hurt, but hide it with a small smile and just stuffs his hands in his pockets.  I stare at him for seconds before kneeling down on the floor, searching for my ticket.  I felt a bit guilty for pushing him like that considering he was only trying to help, but that thought was quickly pushed to the back of my mind. 

"Um, I'm sorry," he apologizes.  I ignore his apology and pretend like he wasn't there.

"Do you need help?" he asks, kneeling down next to me. Ugh, can't he see that I'm trying to ignore him?

"No," I glare at him, "if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have lost my ticket in the first place and we wouldn't even be having this conversation." I swat him away and continue searching for the ticket.  It was no help that people where stepping on me, but he has to come and make matters worse?

"I-I'm sorry for making you lose your ticket.  I can buy you another if you want?"

"No thanks," I reply coldly.  My eyes carefully scan the the floor until I see it.

"Ah-ha," I yell picking up the piece of paper I was so longing for, "found it."  I stand up and safely place it in my pocket and brush the bits of dirt that were on my shorts.  I sigh as I couldn't get some of it off and turn around looking back at the shy and annoying blonde.

"Found it?" he asks not looking up from the ground.

I roll my eyes and nod, "Obviously."  I walk past him, bumping his shoulder and hand the employee my ticket.

"Thank you," he said a bit harsh and snatches it from my hand.  I glare at him and walk up the steps to the ride.  Before I took my seat I remembered that Jewels was supposed to ride with me. 

I look around anxiously searching for my sister, but she was nowhere to be found.  I roll my eyes and bitterly laugh.  She probably went on without me.  Typical.

I sigh, "Now who am I supposed to ride with?"

"I'll ride with you," The blonde boy offers, appearing next to me.  I roll my eyes and turn to look at him.  "That's if you want," he adds nervously.

I pursue my lips, maybe riding with him won't be so bad.  It took me a few seconds before I accepted his offer.

"All right," his face immediately lights up and a big smile forms on his lips.


I smile and nod, "Why not? Doesn't seem too bad of an idea," I playfully nudge his shoulder which causes him to blush.  My smile widens. 

"Great," he responds, trying his best to hide his excitement.  I shake my head as we walk to our seats.

"Have a seat," another employee said.  A woman, who had red lipstick smeared all over her lips.  I bit down on my lip to try and suppress my giggles and I could tell blondie was too.  She motions her hand towards the seats.  We nod and do as told.  I slip into the right side while blondie slides into the left.  I tightly strap on my seat belt as did he and wait for the ride to start.

"My names Niall by the way," Niall introduces himself, sticking his hand out.  I glance at his hand before smiling, shaking it.

"Stella," I answer back.  His lip twitches into a side grin, nodding.  I slowly pull my hand away from his, placing them down on the metal bar in front on me.

"Attention passengers, keep all hands and feet inside the ride at all times and enjoy," someone announces through the speaker.  I shuffle in my seat and take a long, deep breath.  Anxiety starts to settle in when we begin to move forward.  I grab Niall's hand, squeezing it.

He rubs his thumb against my hand, "Scared?"

I look  at him wide eye and slowly shake my head, "What makes you think I'm scared?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe because you are cutting the circulation off my hand?"

I look down at his hand before letting go, "Oh uh, sorry."

He chuckles and grabs my hand again, "It's okay though.  You can hold my hand if you want," he informs, smiling, "I don't mind."

I gulp and nod my head, "Thanks," I quietly say, looking down at my lap.

"Anytime," he answers, "anytime."

Once we were at the very top I glance over and gasp.  We were extremely far from the ground.  Of course at a moment like this, images of Final Destination 2 flash in my head.  My heart started to race and I begin to hyperventilate.

Damn you thoughts.

Hiraeth // n.h (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now