two: quiet beauty

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Yunho parked his car in front of a large, two-story house. The front yard was covered with various types of flowers and ceramic statues. You stifled after seeing a statue of a toad with the weirdest expression. Was it agony? Lust? To be honest, you didn't even want to know for fear it would lead to another one of Yunho's hour-long stories.

"A couple of the guys are out running errands but I should still be able to introduce you to a few of them," Yunho said as he unlocked the front door. We stepped inside and were faced with a very rustic feeling home. The floors were all wooden and the walls were covered in posters and photos of the boys together. "We kinda made this place our own, I guess." He scratched the back of his neck in nervousness.

"It's really nice in here, Yunho." You slipped your shoes off and placed them near the door. You turned back to Yunho, waiting for him to lead the way.

"Yay. Tour time." He said with fake enthusiasm. He lead you to an open room left of the entrance. "This is the living room. We just do basic living room things, like eat, watch tv, read, ya know." he gestured to the room and quickly ushered towards another room.

I continued like this for a few minutes until he got to a small hallway with a door on each side. Each door had a piece of paper with a name written on it. Yunho and Yeosang? The name didn't seem familiar, but what did you expect, you were in a house filled with people you had never met. Besides Yunho, of course. "This is me and Yeosangs hallway. I can show you inside the rooms if you'd like." Yunho stared at you, awaiting a response. You nodded which made Yunho flash a small smile. "Alrightie. We'll start with my room." Yunho opened the door and allowed you to walk in first before he followed in.

The room was extraordinarily neat. Books and game cases were up high on shelves attached to his wall. His dresser had framed photos of his family, along with a photo of you when he came to visit you last summer. You chuckled to yourself. You found it odd that after all these years of being so lovey-dovey towards each other, you would have gotten together. But, somehow, it never happened and you've still been friends for over seven years.

"Neat, right?" Yunho said, making you return to the real world. You turned to him and chuckled once more.

You raised an eyebrow at him. You then made your way back towards the door, opening it and heading back into the hall.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going?" Yunho rushed to grab your arm before giving you a confused look.

"Yunho," you turned to him. "I've seen your room a million times. I don't need to see it again." Yunho looked at you and smiled awkwardly.

"I guess you're right," He let go of your arm moved so he was in front of you. "Now let's get to Yeosang." He placed his hand on the metal doorknob before knocking on the wooden door. You both waited a second before hearing a quiet "Come in." from inside the room.

Yunho turned the knob slowly and peeked his head inside. He whispered something to the boy inside. He stood for a second before sliding the door open more and guiding you into the doorway. There was a man with short brown hair sitting at a desk across the room. His head was down as he stared intently at a paper on his desk, pen in hand.

"Yeosang," Yunho raised his hand to gesture towards you. "This is Y/N. She decided to take on the job here." Yeosang twirled in his chair to face you. He looked you up and down before giving you a friendly nod.

"It's nice to meet you." The air was thick with an uncomfortable silence as Yeosang evaluated every detail of your face. It felt as if he was grading your appearance. He then leaned back in his chair and gave you a small wave.

He focused his attention on Yunho, raising his eyebrows at him. Yunho puffed out his chest in an effort to seem tougher."She has a strong will," Yunho somehow knew what Yeosang was saying without the male ever even opening his mouth.

Yeosang rose from his chair and made his way towards you. His eyes stared at you intensely as he gripped your chin and moved your face to the side. He took his time looking at every inch of your face then turned your face once more to the other side. He brushed his knuckles down your jawline with his free hand then removed both hands from your face. "Whatever you say, Yun." He went back to his chair and turned to his desk.

Yunho then placed his hands on your shoulders and dragged you out of the room, closing the door behind you.

"One out of seven done." Yunho mumbled under his breath.

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