six: family bonding

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Along the way, the guy slowly got farther and farther behind you. Yunho assured you that they all knew the way, but you still felt that they were all taking a little long. Just then, the rest of the boys burst through the door.

"Sorry, we're late. Someone took a wrong turn and the rest of us followed." Jongho looked straight at Seonghwa.

"It's not my fault that all the streets look the same down here." Seonghwa raised his hands up in defense.

"Whatever, you guys. They already have a table waiting for us." Hongjoong ushered the guys to a large table near the back of the restaurant.

You sat down in the middle of one of the sides, with Yunho and San to your right and Wooyoung and Mingi to your left. Across from you sat Jongho, Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and Yeosang. We all ordered our food and everyone broke off into groups at the table. They all chatted among each other while you bounced from conversation to conversation.

Suddenly you felt a hand on your leg. You looked down at the hand then followed it up to its owner. Of course. It was Wooyoung. No one else besides Yunho would have the balls to put a hand on your leg this early. Yunho was deep in a conversation with Jongho and San. Wooyoung leaned in close to your ear and began whispering.

"Still planning on coming?" You nodded, trying to keep your composure as Wooyoung slid his hand a little farther up your leg, making you squirm a little. "I hope your ready, babygirl." his lips brushed against your ear and your cheeks flushed. Yunho coughed, signalling for Wooyoung to keep his distance. Wooyoung backed up slightly. The rest of the table was still talking as if you and Wooyoung were invisible. "Knock on my door two times and jiggle the knob once." You were both interrupted by a waiter coming in and bringing food.


You were all waiting outside the restaurant while everyone decided who would ride with who on the way back. You decided to ride with Mingi and Seonghwa on the way back. Wooyoung and Yeosang rode alone, again. Jongho and Yunho rode together, while Hongjoong and San took the last car.

On the way home, each of them would crack jokes or ask you questions about your life. You felt very comfortable around them. Almost as if you had known them for years.

"So how did you meet Yunho?" Mingi asked.

"We had three classes together in senior year." You said with a smile on your face. "We got along well and have been friends ever since." Mingi and Seonghwa nodded.

"Does that mean you have photos of high school Yunho?" Seonghwa quickly turned to face you, his eyes wide.

"Maybe..." You responded, a smirk forming on your lips.. Seonghwa and Mingi immediately started yelling at you to show them. You honestly forgot where you stored them. But even you wanted to see if you could dig up old memories. You managed to find a photo Yunho had given you of him in a white dress with a black bow on his head. You showed in to the boys and they both burst out in a fit of laughter. You chuckled.


You arrived at the beautiful house, once again. Only now, seeing it at night, you realized how pretty it truly was. The house was decorated with white christmas lights strung from each balcony. The front yard had various dim lights in the ground which illuminated the flowers and lit up passersby in a faint glow. Your imagination began to act up as you pictured all the boys coming together to plant the flowers. They would all laugh and smile while creating their masterpiece. Then you were suddenly snapped out of your thoughts as a soft hand grabbed yours. Your focus had shifted from the gorgeous to the tall, black haired boy standing next to you. Yunho flashed a smile before ruffling your hair with his free hand.

"I couldn't let you stand here, looking so beautiful, without holding your hand." His words made you blush and you lowered your head so he wouldn't notice. He giggled before leading you into the house. All of the boys were inside the house by the time Yunho and you made it in. Seonghwa turned to greet you before his eyes landed on Yunho's hand intertwined in yours. His eyes went dark for a second. Was he seriously jealous? It had only been a day and the guys were already getting possessive. He looked back up at you and flashed that innocent smile again. He waved you both over and you began walking in Seonghwa's direction. Yunho had taken his hand away by the time you made it over to the blonde. He slowly followed behind you, keeping a safe distance so Seonghwa wouldn't get jealous, again.

You all made your way towards the living room to find all the other boys. Their attention was focused in many different places. Some were watching TV, while others talked or took out their phones. You felt like you were about to fall into a food coma so you scanned the room looking for an empty space away from the boys. Across the room there was a brown recliner with a blue blanket placed on the head pillow. You were about to make a beeline for the chair when you saw Yeosang sitting in the chair a few inches away from the recliner. Your body was screaming for you to sleep so you ignored the silent boy and quickly sat in the chair.

Pushing the chair back into the recline position, your eyes fluttered closed. But as soon as you had closed them, you felt eyes on you. You tried ignoring it but it went on for an uncomfortable amount of time, so you decided that you would look for the culprit. As your eyes opened, you saw Yeosang staring at you from the corner of your eye. Of course, you thought. You could feel the tiredness overtake you so instead of confronting him, you decided to close your eyes again. Letting your mind drift as you fell asleep.

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