five: dinner together

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Yunho and you both looked away from the television as you heard the front door unlock and loud talking. Four boys walked into the living room with different bags in hand before spotting you on the couch. They all froze before quickly giving you a quick nod to say hello. Yunho quickly stood up.

    "You're all finally home!" Yunho said excitedly. "This is Y/N and she's going to taking on the job at the house." You slowly stood from the couch before giving them all a small wave.

    "We'll put away the grocery before we do introductions." One of the boys spoke. He had a dirty blonde mullet and multiple piercings in his ears. You thought about how painful those piercings must have been.

    "Sure," Yunho replied. All four boys walked passed the living room into the attached kitchen before quickly coming back into the room. The one with the mullet was the first one back and came closer to you. He then stuck his hand out for you to shake. You quickly reached to shake his hand.

    "My name is Hongjoong." He spoke. You found yourself staring at his features. He had intense eyes and very pretty lips. Yunho seemed to have noticed you staring and hit your shoulder playfully. You pulled yourself together before saying a quick sorry. Hongjoong replied saying it was ok and he moved far back to let the other boys come in to say hello. They each went down the line repeating Hongjoong's action. You learned that their names were San, Mingi, and Jongho. They all told you a few different things about themselves so you would be more comfortable. Each had a very different look to them.

    San seemed very innocent. He had a very playful aura and was very comfortable around the boys from what you could tell. He had dyed his hair both red and black which, in a way, you thought looked quite cute on him. San had told you that he was a dancer, which you were very excited to see sometime later on. He also informed you that he had planted many of the flowers in the front yard. Overall, he seemed like a kind, sweet boy.

    Jongho left a very odd impression. He gave off the vibe of a funny boy, but it was almost impossible to read him. He seemed to have two sides. A funny, class clown side and a classy, dark side. He felt like someone you would come to like very much. How he would be when you worked with him, you had no idea. But you hoped he wasn't like Wooyoung in disguise. He told you that he was very athletic before he pulled an apple from his jacket pocket. All the guys ran towards him and pulled the apple out of his hands before he could even say what it was for. You honestly had no idea what he would do with it so you let it slip from your memory. After that, your mind leaned more towards a class clown.

    Mingi had a very strong first impression. Right away, you noticed how attractive he was. When you first shook his hand, your cheeks immediately heated up. And it seemed as if he noticed because he gave you a smirk. Yunho had been conversing with Jongho at the time and didn't notice but you found yourself stuck in a conversation with the boy. You would continuously ask him questions just to hold onto him for a little bit longer before they all disappeared to their respective hangout spots. You learned that he had a history of dance and that he was in a rap duo with Hongjoong. He had lots of different hobbies and you let him ramble on before Yunho noticed that he had been talking to the other boys for quite a long time. He walked back over to you and interrupted the conversation you were having.

    "It seems that you met everyone in the house, now," Yunho said, placing a hand on your shoulder and taking your focus away from Mingi. "I was thinking it would be nice if we all went out to dinner together. Since you guys need to get comfortable with her."

    "Wait. Yunh-" San started before Yunho cut him off.

    "Cancel all your plans because we're going." Yunho sounded stern. "I'll go get the rest of the guys." Yunho then ran out of the room. The four guys and I were all left in the room. We all quickly began talking to each other, learning each other's hobbies and passions. You felt like you were all getting close despite only meeting a short while ago. Suddenly Yeosang walked into the room. He stared you down before he turned his attention to the guys. He smiled and listened to our conversation. Shortly after, Seonghwa, now with a shirt, entered the room. He came and stood near you while the rest of the boys conversed with each other.

    "You seem to be fitting in quite nicely," Seonghwa said to you, the boys were talking just loud enough for your conversation to be discrete. You nodded. He laid a hand on your shoulder. "It's good to see that you're still here after meeting Wooyoung." You chuckled before you remembered the interaction you had had with the purple haired boy. It made your cheeks blush slightly. Seonghwa didn't notice and turned to join the other guys in their conversation.

    Seonghwa suddenly went quiet and you turned to see Wooyoung entering the room. Wooyoung eyed you before stepping next to you in the circle of guys. Seonghwa quickly ushered you to the other side of him so you weren't standing next to the boy. You saw Wooyoung shoot Seonghwa a look. You felt a little bad that the boys were trying there hardest to protect you. And you felt even worse realizing that you were gonna go to Wooyoung's room later. Then Yunho joined the circle on the other side of you. , Well now you were protected on both sides. The guilt of what you would soon do came early.

    "I'm thinking chicken tonight." Yunho stated, silencing the whole groups. The boys all silently cheered. "Then get your coats."

    After everyone was ready and waiting outside, they had to figure out who would go in what cars. There were a total of 5 cars. Wooyoung and Yeosang drove separately in their own cars. Mingi and Jongho in the larger blue car. San and Seonghwa in the small red car. Hongjoong, Yunho and you were all going in a larger white car. Your car was going to be at the front of the line to guide the rest of the drivers. You decided to sit in the back of the car to avoid any awkward conversation. But somehow, there will always be an awkward conversation.

    "So why did you decide to take on this job?" Hongjoong asked from the passenger seat. The question caught you a little off guard.

    "Well," You started. "Yunho asked me if I was interested a few months ago. Originally, I thought the job was crazy. But, as I thought about it more, it seemed fairly harmless. People have needs and I can understand that. Someone is gonna have to take the job so why not me? Plus, it pays well." Hongjoong chuckled.

    "You really are an amazing soul," Hongjoong stared out the car window. "When Mingi pitched the idea, I thought he was a just saying it to be an asshole. But then I thought about how much we all actually needed it. We're all too busy to hold relationships so we need to find some way to relieve tension." Yunho then turned on the radio and you all sat in silence for the rest of the ride.

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