ten: ten minutes p.1

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Nine minutes had passed of you cleaning the dishes for Seonghwa and anxiously waiting to go to Wooyoung's room. Your mind raced trying to think of what he would do. You didn't know all that much about him since your only interactions were when you first got here and when you all had dinner together, and they both left much to the imagination.

Your mind went back to the time as you quickly glanced back at the clock. Only a few seconds had passed by. Time was going by so slowly and you hated it. Your brain was telling you to just barge into his room now and ask what he wanted. But you pulled back from that thought and decided it was better to wait it out. After all, it's better to be fashionably late. So your thoughts went back to the dishes.

    While cleaning, you couldn't help but think of Seonghwa. How his biceps stretched through the fabric of his shirt while he scrubbed the plates. The way he had smiled so gently at you when you started crying. But a part of you still felt uneasy. Like he would be the scariest of the bunch when you really got to know him. You hoped that would never be true. You let out a sigh, knowing that Yunho would probably never tell you if that were true.

    Your mind went back to the time and you glanced at the clock, again. Your eyes widened as you realized you only had a minute left before you were supposed to be upstairs. Your feet moved before you could think and guided you into the bathroom. Your scoured the room for a fresh towel and hastily pulled it of the shelf. You turned the tap on and let the water run into the towel, ringing it out with your hands when it was oversaturated. You shoved the towel up your shirt to wipe off your armpits then dropped the towel on the floor next to the sink. Before stepping out of the bathroom, you let out a anxious breath.

    Your feet hit the cold hardwood floor, making you shiver a bit. You were now unconsciously moving towards Wooyoung's room. Your head filled with thoughts, both anxious and excited. Wooyoung was an interesting character. His alluring eyes, his purple hair that looked almost silver in the shade, the way he was perfectly fit in every way. But, you still felt guilty in some way. It felt like Yunho and Seonghwa were the two angels sitting on your shoulder telling you to make the right choices. Your heart ached a little thinking of the way that Yunho was curled up next to you like a cat last night. You couldn't let him down. You couldn't betray his trust.

But you also couldn't be tied down. This was a risk you were willing to take. It's not like anyone would find out, right? At least, that's what you hoped.

So you made your way up the stairs towards Wooyoung's room, stepping lightly on the hardwood floor to be cautious. You slowly inched yourself closer and closer to his door, feeling your heart begin to beat faster. You let out a low breathe and reached out to grip the doorknob. Here we go. You thought to yourself. You let your mind relax and turned the knob at a painfully slow pace. Once the door was open enough, you peeked your head in. Your eyes scoured for any signs of Wooyoung and were caught by the sound of water running from the bathroom inside his room.

Go in. Your thought caught you off guard. The whole situation was in enticing, but you weren't going to wait there for him like a creep. You barely even knew him. But then your mind drew you back to the irony in your statement. Why would you come here in the first place if you don't know him? Your lowered your head as you internally scolded yourself at your thoughts. But just as you were about to finish, you began to hear footsteps coming up the stairs. You didn't want a repeat of last night, and now that you were right in front of Wooyoung's room, whoever was there wouldn't think you were innocently wandering around the house.

Without thinking, you quickly hopped into Wooyoung's room and slammed the door. Your heart beat fast at your actions. Then realization quickly settled into your mind. Now you couldn't avoid looking like a total creep. You leaned your head against the wooden door and sagged your shoulders. Your brain was trying to muster all the regret it could, making you feel ten times worse than you just had. But now wasn't the time to sulk and get sad, you were stuck in Wooyoung's room until he came out of the shower. So you were just gonna have to wait it out.

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