seven: sneaking around

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You awoke from your sleep to find a dark, empty room. You suspected that all the boys had gone to bed at this point. You sat up in the recliner and noticed that a blue blanket had been placed over you. A smile grew on your face as you thanked the person responsible in your head. But your attention was back on finding a clock. You scanned the room and found a wall clock in the kitchen. 1:47 AM. Your eyes widened as you realized you had made plans with wooyoung. You shot up from the chair and frantically looked around to find a mirror that you could tidy yourself in. Light shined into the room through the crack of the bathroom door. Bingo. You quickly stood up and speed walked to the bathroom, making sure that you weren't making too much noise.

The door creaked open and the bright light of the bathroom blinded you for a second. After letting your eyes adjust, you quickly moved to the mirror across from the door. You must have had a good night's rest because your hair was completely disheveled. Your eyes were still puffy so you decided to wake yourself up with a quick splash of water. Water dripped from your face as you frantically searched the room for a towel. Your hand grazed over a green hand towel sitting on the top of the toilet. You quickly wiped the water from your face and checked yourself over once more. Your eyes were less puffy but your deep sleep had led to a permanent bump in the side of your hair. Great, you let out a sigh as you tried to wet the bumps in hopes that it would hold it down. It was eventually unnoticeable and you decided that you were finally ready. You left the room after straighten up your clothing and made your way out into the living room once more.

The house was completely silent and it put you on edge a little. You began tiptoeing out of the living room and up the stairs. You were about halfway up the stairs when you heard the hardwood floor creak a few feet behind you. Your whole body froze as you turned around to see a tall figure staring up at you from the bottom of the stairs. He wiped his eyes tiredly before finally opening his mouth to speak.

"Y/N?" The voice was groggy as if he had just woken up after three years of sleep. Only after he had spoken, you realized that it was Yunho standing in front of you, he eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You flashed a guilty smile. "What are you doing up so late?"

Yunho stepped towards you. Your whole body tensed as you desperately searched for a lie to cover up your true intentions.

"I couldn't sleep," somehow you had come up with the simplest possible answer, but it was still one that Yunho couldn't debate with, or so you thought.

"So you decided to go upstairs?" there was no accusatory tone in his voice, which you found a little cute. He sounded like a sleepy child and it made your cheeks blush a little. A nervous laugh escaped your lips. A smile slowly spread across Yunho's face as he began to speak. "Do you want to come to sleep in my bed?"

He tightly hugged you, smooshing your face into his chest as he lets out cute little noises. You couldn't help but giggle as he cooed into your ear. He ran his hands through your hair before let you go to place his hands on your cheeks. You tried to give him an intimidating look but it gave off the vibe of an upset mouse. He giggled before he took his hands away from you so you could finally speak. There was no way you could go upstairs at this point. Yunho would ask more questions and you really didn't want to admit why you were going up there. So you thought of the best course of action. Go with the flow.

"Maybe..." you said quietly, just enough for Yunho to hear. The thick coat of cuteness almost made you physically cringe. But you had to keep up the facade so Yunho wouldn't question you more. The tall boy beamed before taking both of your hands in his and pulling you into his chest. The cool fabric of his shirt pressed against your cheek and you took in a breath. His smell was one you knew quite well and it helped to take your mind off of Wooyoung. Yunho began taking small steps towards his room, still holding you tightly in his arms. His lead you into his room and released you. He walked across the room to his bed and slid under the covers. He patted the space next to him with his hand, inviting you to come join him.

You felt your cheeks heat up as you made your way towards his bed, slipping under the covers just as he had done. You turned your back to him as his arms wrapped tightly around you. His grasp was warm and you felt at home.

Before too long, Yunho was snoring softly into your ear, legs tangled in the covers. You fell asleep soon after with a smile on your face,

You just hope the rest of the boys are this sweet.

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