Proposal (Percabeth)

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Percy parked the car, they were finally here. In front of them was a small cabin on the beach, the same one where his mother and father met for the first time. He had convinced Annabeth to come with him this weekend, they both deserved a break. Annabeth was exhausted from all the long nights of studying for college exams, Percy wasn't much better. One thing Percy didn't tell Annabeth was that he was planning to propose to her there. A pearl ring with a dark grey platinum band in a royal blue velvet box was hidden in his suitcase, tucked away in a secret compartment in his suitcase. Inside the band was engraved For my Wise Girl. His mom helped him pick it out the design, he also got some assistance from Aphrodite herself. ( A/N : but that's a story for another time ) It was dark outside by the time they unpacked their stuff, neither of them was tired. Annabeth had slept most of the way and Percy never felt better being so close to the ocean. So despite it being pitch black, the only light coming from the moon and the porch light from the porch light, they decided a midnight swim wouldn't hurt. Percy was grabbing a couple of tiki lights that he got on the way and put them near where they were going, now they could see a bit better. "Race you to that water," Annabeth said before he could respond she was already running. Both of them were in swimwear, the only thing they had to take off was their covers. He followed her trail of swim shorts, a loose tank top, and a pair of flip flops that he definitely did not almost trip over. He stopped at the edge of the water. Annabeth was already in, he took a moment to admire his soon-to-be wife, that was if she decided to say yes. ( A/N : We all know she's going to yes ) He could only see from her shoulders up, her blonde hair darker than its normal golden color because of the water, the moon shined in her eyes. "Are you coming in or what, Seaweed Brain ?" she joked, splashing a little of the water on Percy. "It's on, Wise Girl." he dived into the water. They stayed in for a couple of hours, the sun was even starting to peak over the horizon. "I'm going to get us some towels, be right back." "No, it's okay. I got it, plus I have a surprise for you." She raised an eyebrow "Oh really, what might that be ?" he stepped out of the water "It's a surprise." He dried himself off before entering the cabin and grabbed two clean towels, then went for the ring. He hid the box under the towels as he walked back to Annabeth. She was sitting in the sand, her feet still in the water. The sky was a mixture of pinks and orange, it was perfect. "So, what's the surprise ?" she asked. "Come here and I'll show you." She got up and stood in front of him, she had no clue on what was about to happen. Percy dropped the towels to the side, revealing the velvet box. Annabeth's face lit up with surprise, then joy. He lowered himself on one knee, he didn't even get to pop the question before she started screaming "YES ! YES !" while jumping up in down. Percy stood up and she hugged him tightly, he had to tap her on the shoulder to ask her to let go and that he was turning blue. "Oh gods, I can't believe this." she said as he put the ring on her finger "I know." she pulled him into a long kiss. Percy reluctantly pulled away first, but for good reason. "One more thing I want to show you." He turned her to face the ocean "Percy, I've seen the ocean. Seaweed Brain." He rolled his eyes "Not that, look at the sand." Annabeth looked down at where the water hit the sand, then she noticed there was writing in it. I LOVE YOU. It was amazing that they weren't immediately washed away "Aw, Percy. That's..." the words changed. I LOVE YOU TOO, SON. Annabeth hadn't laughed so hard in her life, not even Percy's shocked and appalled expression was enough to stop her, it only made it worse. "Oh my gods, dad !" he yelled at the ocean. Annabeth was rolling in the sand. Later, Poseidon would feel the consequences for this. Aphrodite was not pleased when she heard that he intruded and "almost ruined their moment !"

Authors Note : So sorry for not updating sooner. I've been so busy with school and stuff that I haven't had time lately. I will try to be more frequent.

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