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    there was a rough shove against the locker — the agonizing smack of steel against bone resounding throughout the hallway. gossiping students paused and encircled the enraged delinquents, filming the bloody brawls they'd come to view daily — egging them on with chants and bets, begging for a winner.

jeongguk swung his fist into the other's flawless jawline, the sharp crack satisfying him to the core. a prideful grin spreading to his cheeks, despite the blood seeping from his bruised lip.

    he always loved riling the other up and get him biting at his throat — call him a sadist... or a masochist. either way, you're not wrong.

taehyung threw him to the floor, the bright crimson contrasting against the pristine white tiles. the blonde climbed on top — his weight pinning him down and punched back just as hard, jeongguk's head flying back from the impact.

    a growl of pain rumbled from the bottom of his throat and clutching at the pounding in his skull, "fucking watch it, kim."

    taehyung simply raised a dark brow, mocking him, "or what, jeon? is babe finally going to admit he lost?"

    rather than another furious grumble and another wrestling match, smack-dab in the middle of a narrow hall — jeongguk grinned wolfishly, the dark smirk dancing across his face, eyes half-lidded. "aw, petal! i wouldn't consider it a loss, if an ass like yours is grinding in my lap."

bashfulness spread across his cheeks against his will, as he glanced down — sure enough, there was a suspiciously phallic object pressing against his bottom.

    before taehyung could pull himself away out of embarrassment, a teacher beat him to it — the collar of his dress shirt was gripped tightly, held in the same manner as jeongguk.

"jeon jeongguk and kim taehyung, to the headmaster's office, right now!"

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