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jeongguk and taehyung were no longer on speaking terms. granted, on a daily basis they aren't on speaking terms. but now, it's a child's play — taehyung's arrogant grin every time he brushed past jeongguk, jeongguk's growl upon viewing said grin.

    by now, it's been a week's worth of pent-up frustration — they'd be damned, if their shenanigans go on any longer. and with that, it's no surprise that taehyung and jeongguk found themselves fighting like cats and dogs in the middle of the living room.

    "c'mon, give it to me, jeon. there's no way your punches got that weak," taehyung sniggered, even under the pressure of jeongguk's robust hand pressing against his throat. god, he loved riling jeongguk up. the way his eyes became pools of smoke, how he bared his teeth and made a guttural sound in his throat. it was certainly a sight to see.

    though, jeongguk cared to differ. he despised the smugness that arose on taehyung's graced features, after a particularly hard hit — it was like he was begging to be bruised and marked, not that jeongguk was against the idea.

"i'd be a little more careful with my words, baby," jeongguk squeezed his hand around the other's throat a little harder. "wouldn't want you to lose that voice of yours, kim."

taehyung couldn't help it, under the combined weight on his throat and jeongguk's words, he let out a strangled moan. his cheeks heated up, mortified, and he shifted his eyes away, suddenly finding the ceiling fan very intresting.

"wha—" jeongguk was rigid in surprise, doe eyes wide, pupils almost shaking. his mouth opened and closed repeatedly, gaping like a fish out of water. in the flick of a switch, his face went from comical to something a little darker. an expression of amusement and intrigue was painted on his face as he raised a bold eyebrow. "you got a thing for choking, kim?"




    jeongguk hummed, stroking his thumb over the latter's adam's apple, and pressed down lightly. taehyung let out a whine. his chest puffed up with pride, having proved the other wrong, "i think you do."

    taehyug kept his mouth sealed, still refusing to make eye contact with his so-called enemy. jeongguk sighed, from taehyung's angle he couldn't see what jeongguk was planning — he gasped, back arching off the hardwood, hands clutching at the other's broad shoulders, "jeon!"

    jeongguk grinded his hips down again, rougher, punching the air out of taehyung's lungs. he buised himself with sucking hickeys onto the smaller's neck, simultaneously thrusting his hips down.

taehyung struggled to catch his breath, "w-wait, je-jeon. a-ah! hold on —"

jeongguk made a noise of acknowledgement, but didn't stop his ministrations, only slowing them allowing taehyung to string his thoughts together. "a-are we going all the way or — ngh, jeongguk!"

    the aforementioned male shrugged, "if you want to," continuing his line of marks down taehyung's chest. he unbuttoned his shirt, before moving a hand to palm at taehyung's strained erection.

taehyung spluttered, how could he be so nonchalant about this? sure, this definitely isn't their first rodeo, but at this point in time? taehyung never thought he'd see this day coming.

jeongguk manhandled taehyung, stripping him of his clothes, excluding his boxers, and onto his stomach, ignoring taehyung's complaint. the larger male snapped the elastic waistband against taehyung's hip, earning a yelp, "you want to do this or not?"

taehyung resisted the urge to roll his eyes, he was semi-naked, hickeys littered along his body, splayed out on the floor of their living room and now jeongguk was asking him? "what do you think, jackass?"

jeongguk nipped at one of taehyung's clothed butt-cheeks, singing playfully, "i don't know. but i'm going to need to hear some confirmation, before we go any further."

taehyung mentally facepalmed, mumbling under his breath. jeongguk jibed at him. "hmm, what was that? i couldn't quite hear you." taehyung repeated himself, at a slightly louder volume as if it'd make the sentence any less shameful to say. but jeongguk played coy, "sorry, what? i still can't hear you."

    taehyung sighed exasperated, "yes, i want you to fuck me! now get on with it, before i find someone else who'll do it better."

   jeongguk smirked, "don't worry, kim. i'll make you regret ever saying that."

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