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the field trip was cut short when their advisor caught sight of the bruises littering their bodies, thankfully assuming it was a result of a fist fight rather than for what it was in reality, hickeys.

ms. lee could only shake her head in disappointment and disbelief, looking as if she had aged an extra ten years, "i don't know why you boys are still fighting. what drives you two to such an extent of abuse? i could get you help —"

    jeongguk cut her off with a glint of dark intent in his eyes, gritting his teeth, "shut the fuck up, old lady! don't think i can't fire you in a snap of my fingers, so quit sticking your nose into other people's business! i don't need any fucking help, especially from you!" he shot out of his chair, fast-walking out of the office.

    taehyung's jaw dropped, appalled at the flat-out rude outburst, ms. lee mirroring his expression. sure, they both had their occasional snarky comment or mocking remark, but that attack was definitely uncalled for.

    taehyung gave a tight-lipped smile to the headmaster, "if you'll excuse me." he stood up from his chair, chasing after jeongguk.

    taehyung spotted him, in the middle of jumping over the school's perimeter gates. "hey, jeon! wait up!" his shouting didn't do anything to slow jeongguk down, if anything his movements grew more rushed. taehyung sprinted at him, yanking jeongguk back by the shirt collar. "what was that about? it's not like you to just snap at someone like that. hell, you haven't even done that to me yet."

    jeongguk gave a pointed look towards him, "yet. i haven't done it yet. now, let go of me."

    taehyung tightened his grip, "no, not until you tell me what's going on."

    that dark glare was back in jeongguk's orbs, giving away the pure fury and hatred he was feeling at the moment, despite nothing else in his expression giving it away. jeongguk spoke evenly, "let go of me. i mean it, kim taehyung."

    maybe, it was the fact that jeongguk hadn't knocked him out yet or because jeongguk had used his full name to address him or it was the underlying hurt taehyung could sense in his eyes. whatever it was, taehyung had relaxed his grip. jeongguk took the chance, jumping over the fence and running off.

where to?

he didn't know, he let his instincts drive him.

    meanwhile, taehyung stood there, staring at his quickly receding back. all he could think about was the raw anguish in jeongguk's eyes, who hurt you?

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