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song recommendation; nervous by the neighbourhood


The next couple of days after the meeting went by quickly, with not much progress getting information and finding leads on the abduction incident that occurred about a week ago.

"Hmm, one thing's for sure, Jaebeom. The fact that Diamond Daddy was out of town when his wife was taken definitely says a lot. Whoever planned this must have been planning it for a while now, and since their fortress is extremely guarded, I'm betting my life on this, okay?– but whoever it is, that person knows his or her way inside that house. Someone they trust, and someone inside that house."

"Hyung, I think you're right. He sent me the CCTV footage from the night she was taken, and there's something weird about it. I've watched it over a hundred times, I swear. Something isn't adding up."

"Exactly. Since we have that down, we just need to dig a little deeper. We have to find out who the actual culprit is before the others do."

Jaebeom's office became Mark's haven for the time being since it was his job to find traces and hack into whatever system he could hack. Stacks and stacks of paper started to pile up on the desk as the days passed by. All the contact numbers, call history, and text messages from Diamond Daddy and his wife's phones were sent to Mark to be inspected as well. So far, the only solid proof they had were the fallen rival's initials, written on Mrs. Akiyama's vanity mirror with her blood red lipstick in bold letters. Mark and Jaebeom were confident about their hunch that it was an insider, but they needed more proof to justify their claim.

K. J

"What's this?" asked Jaebeom, as he snatched the purple envelope away from his guard's hands.

"I found it this morning when I was checking your mailbox, Boss. Didn't say who it's from."

"Oh, okay. Thanks," Jaebeom gave the guard a pat on the shoulder, walked to the office and took the letter out from the envelope. Purple.


yoongi min's. 7pm, tonight.


"Hyung, do you know about the–" Jaebeom was immediately cut off by Mark whose body pretty much ran on coffee after pulling two all-nighters.

"Know about the party tonight at Yoongi's place? Of course, I do," Mark's face lit up after diverting his attention to something else other than the abduction and the potential leads he had to trace. "Jaebeom-ah, do you want to go? It's been a while since we've been to a party altogether. I think we all need it."

Seeing the couch completely unoccupied, Jaebeom threw himself onto the furniture and buried his face into the velvet pillow. It took him a few seconds before answering Mark's question. "Guess it won't be too bad if we stay out late tonight, so yeah, sure."

The two men agreed to attend the party that evening, and since they were both incredibly sleep deprived, Jaebeom and Mark headed straight to their bedrooms after organizing the desk and letting the other guys know that they won't be hunting bastards down that evening. A little break won't hurt, right?

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