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Spacing out completely, I place my books inside my locker. The day has felt extremely long and we've been here for only four hours. I can hear my best friend talking to me, but it seems like I can't really focus on anything she says, so I simply nod.

I close my locker and turn around to face her, giving her a warm smile.

"Isn't it just amazing?" She asks excitedly. I feel guilty for not knowing what she's talking about, but it would be worse if she notices that I wasn't paying attention.

"Oh, yes. It is really amazing!" I respond innocently, smiling at her.

But when I divert my gaze from her, that's when I see him walking past us. His tall figure makes impossible for me or anyone to ignore his presence. His soft chocolate hair falls perfectly over his forehead, sunlight making it look even more shiny when he stops to shake one of his mate's hand, freezing the whole world around me when he smiles at him. His perfectly white teeth show up, his eyes get smaller so beautifully it's actually making it hard for breathing, and the best part... His dimples popping up.

He has such a strong, yet innocent aura in him. He just lights up every corner whenever he walks by. He's as beautiful as only he could be, so mesmerizing that no one could resist him. His happiness is contagious, and you just can't help but smile too when you see him... Even from afar.

That's Choi Soobin. That kind of guy everyone likes, like a prince charming out of a fairytale. He's gentle and nice to everyone, he's smart, and he's attractive too.

And I'm crazy about him.

But he doesn't know for two important reasons:

One: We've only talked a few times and very briefly.

And Two: Her.

He keeps walking until he reaches her. She's standing in front of her classroom door, she opens her arms for him, wrapping them around his neck and placing a long lasting peck on his cute lips.

He leans forward, leaning forward just a little so she can reach him whilst standing on her tiptoes. She smiles, so does he, pressing their foreheads together. I feel a stinging pain inside my chest at the sight, they look so happy, so in love. He kisses her lips once again, then places a kiss on her forehead.

She's beautiful. Plump lips, perfect features, nice body, dark long hair. She's got everything that I have to live without. He looks at her so passionately, as if she was a masterpiece in front of his eyes.

He's so in love.

I wish I was her.

"Hello? Y/N? Are you listening?" Suri's voice takes me back to earth, making me blink a couple of times when she waves her hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

"Sorry, I was spacing out" I say, smiling at her apologetically as I watch Soobin walking away in the corner of my eye, they're holding hands.

Suri sighs, turning her head to see behind her, then turning again to face me.

"When are you going to talk to him? You've been in love with him since like... Forever?" Suri says, rolling her eyes. "You've been drooling over him since he moved to this school" she adds, now her face is filled with concern.

I shrug, grabbing her arm and lacing it with mine as we make our way to the cafeteria.

"Are you crazy? I can't do that, he has a girlfriend, a pretty one, must say" I respond, pushing the double doors open and entering to the crowded room. We take a seat in an empty table, I grab my luch from inside my bag and place it on the table in front of me. Suri sits across the table, so she's able to look at me.

Dear diary: How do I heal his broken heart?; Choi SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now