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It's been a few day since Jihoon confessed, and it's also been days since Soobin and I haven't spoken. He tried to reach out a couple of times, but after a while he gave up on it, and I don't really know how to feel about it.

"Hmm... Should I wear a dress? Pants? A skirt?" I ask Suri, who's sitting on my bed watching me as I keep looking for something nice to wear tonight.

"Definitely a dress." She responds "By the way, my cousin is moving in next week."

I turn my face and tilt my head, looking at her.

"Who? Giyeon?" I ask, she nods "Really?"

"Yeah she's going to start with us next week for the new semester."

"That's nice, I love Gigi, she's a sweetheart." I smile.

Giyeon, or how we call her, Gigi, is Suri's younger cousin. She lives in Daegu, and It's been a really long time since the last time I saw her when she was like fourteen, and now she's seventeen. However, we always got along really well. I'm happy to have another female friend to hang out with.

"Okay, so what's that you had to tell me about Jihoon?" Suri asks, now laying on my bed as I keep rummaging inside my closet, I'm very indecisive because it's Jihoon's party tonight and since I'm not much of a party girl, I'm not really used to wear something that isn't jeans, shorts and oversized shirts. Suri looks at me with a bored expression on her face, and I gulp when she asks me to tell her what I've been keeping to myself. I feel my stomach upside down, but she's my best friend and deserves to know.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but please don't freak out." I warn, sighing and turning to face her.

She sits on the bed this time, raising an eyebrow at me.

"You're scaring me."

I chuckle.

"It's nothing bad... Well, I think."

"Just spit it out!" She shouts, grabbing one of my pillows and throwing it to my face. I cover my face with my arms to protect myself, giggling.

"Well, he confessed to me that night."

"What?!" She yells, quickly standing up from my bed, her eyes wide open in shock. "I knew it, I knew he liked you!" She adds, pointing her index finger at me.

"But you never said anything." I frown. She rolls her eyes.

"How's that you didn't notice? He's super obvious."

"I thought we were good friends." I shrug, turning my body and continuing with my previous activity.

"Anyways... What did you say?"

I sigh.

"I couldn't say anything. To be honest, I was really shocked and he said so many beautiful things I was overwhelmed." I explain "Then we kissed."

"You kissed?!" She yells again, throwing another cushion in my direction "Why did you wait this long to tell me you bitch."

I turn my body, lifting up my cushion from the floor and throwing it back at her.

"Stop throwing things. And why does it matter? I'm telling you now."

She shakes her head with a frustrated sigh.

"So you're seeing each other tonight after all that happened... Have you thought about giving him a chance? He's really into you, and he's really sweet and he's handsome. Maybe he's what you need." She shrugs.

"I... Maybe I will say yes to him. He's been the sweetest person on earth with me. I feel like I would waste a good opportunity if I say no just because I'm holding on to something that will never happen."

Dear diary: How do I heal his broken heart?; Choi SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now