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"What do you mean you're not sure if you passed the test?" Jihoon asks, raising an eyebrow as we keep walking side by side.

I shrug.

"I probably did, I probably didn't. I don't know, I'm not good at maths." I respond, having another bite of my vanilla ice cream.

He swallows and licks his plump lips, stopping on his tracks and glaring at me.

"I told you, we could've studied together." He says, I chuckle looking at him.

"It's not because I didn't study, I promise. Indeed, Soobin helped me, he's a good study in every single subject."

He doesn't say anything, just licks his chocolate flavored cone and starts walking again.

"Oh, okay. Well, then it's all your fault."

I look at him in disbelief, and push on his shoulder slightly. He chuckles.

"You're not helping. You better keep that mouth shut." I say, finishing my ice cream and throwing the dirty napkins in a trashcan.

Jihoon giggles, patting on my head softly. I look up at him smiling, and find his eyes sparkling.

"What?" He asks, looking down at me because of the height difference. He scratches the back of his neck nervously, I probably stared at him too intensely.

I smile.

"It's nothing, your eyes look shiny. You must be in love." I tease him, pinching on his cheek softly.

He chokes on his icecream and starts coughing, looking at me with widened eyes.

"W-What? What are you saying?" He asks, cleaning his mouth with a napking, then knitting his brows together. I start laughing at his reaction.

"I must be right, you got pretty nervous." I wink, turning my body and starting to walk ahead.

He rushes, reaching me in a couple of seconds.

"You're crazy, don't say such ridiculous things." He says, crossing his arms over his chest. I giggle.

"What's the matter? Is she pretty?"

"I-I Um... Y/N, what on earth?!"

I laugh, ruffling his hair.

"I'm just teasing, dumbo."

I turn my face to look at him again. His cheeks are red and he doesn't look at me in the eyes. I find it funny, but I better stop this for today.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He says, turning his body and looking down to hide his face. His hands are in his pockets, he's too embarrassed.

I laugh.

"See you, Jihoonie. Say hi to her for me!" I shout, walking away. I don't look back at him but I'm sure he reacted again, so I chuckle to myself.

I'm crossing the street, and I suddenly hear the brakes of a car incredibly loudly. I get startled and look at a rushing car that's coming just in my direction. I panic, but I can't seem to react.

"Watch out!"

A heavy force pushes me to the sidewalk, making me fall. When I open my eyes, I feel a body pressed against my back, with a pair of arms around my waist. I instantly sit up, feeling my heartbeats ringing in my ears. I look at him, and he releases the grip on me, sitting and looking at me with concern. I feel my heart stopping when we lock eyes, how did he manage to save me?

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks, scanning my body with his hands placed on my shoulders.

I nod.

Dear diary: How do I heal his broken heart?; Choi SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now