t w e n t y t w o

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warnings: lots of kissing and making out.

The last class of the day has oficially ended. I stand up from my desk, stretching my body before I throw my bag over my shoulder and exit the room, walking across the corridor until I reach my locker, opening it and placing my books inside.

I walk away with the intention of going back home, since Gigi and Suri will go visit to have a good girls day, but someone grabs my hand and drags me to an empty classroom. The door slams shut and before I can react, strong arms wrap around my waist and pulls me in, then a pair of soft lips crash with mine in a warm kiss.

I could recognize his kiss anywhere, so I don't hesitate to kiss him back, placing my hands on both sides of his neck. I smile against his lips, and so does he.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

"I... Couldn't... Wait... To kiss you... Again." He says in between kisses, making my heart jump against my chest. He pulls back slightly, our noses still brushing against each other's. "I've been thinking about those lips the whole day." He confesses, pulling his lip out in a cute pout.

I chuckle, wrapping my arms around his neck and tangling my fingers in his soft locks.

"You're so cute." I whisper with a smile, kissing him again.

We move our lips together, slowly and smoothly, in perfect sync. No sound around us besides the soft movements of our mouths. He pulls on my lower lip with his lips gently, before tiltis his head and slides his tongue shyly into my mouth, deepening the kiss even more. His wet muscle starts dancing with mine, sending sparks down my body with every touch of his tongue against mine. I move my hand up and cup his soft cheek with it, nibbling on his lower lip teasingly. He lets out a low grunt, then giggles, pulling back and placing one last peck on my lips. He lifts his hand and runs his finger through my hair, finishing with his fingertips grazing lovingly on the skin of my face.

"Your lips are addictive."

"They're all yours." I smile, wrapping my arms around his torso and hugging him tightly, burying my face in his chest and breathing him in. His sweet cologne making me feel like I'm in heaven.

He wraps his arms around my small frame, placing a kiss on the top of my head. When we pull back, I look up at him and smile. He offers me his hand with a cute smirk and I gladly take it, intertwining our fingers and exiting the room. I feel people staring at us as we walk, but we don't even care. Soobin and I have been together for a month already, although we're not oficially dating, it's as if we were.

My eyes connect with a pair of doe, cute eyes I know really well. I feel my heart on my throat and my smile vanishes, feeling concerned. Jihoon stares at us, but then smiles and gives me a reassuring nod, making me feel a lot better and smile back. I turn my head and notice he meets with Gigi, they leave walking together and joking around.

"You okay, baby?" Soobin asks, his deep voice capturing my attention. I look at him and smile, nodding.

"Yes love, it's all good now."

"I'm starting to believe your life is a korean drama." Suri says, crossing her legs on the couch and resting her back against the cushion, her hands running through her hair.

I roll my eyes, chuckling.

"What can I say, it's been complicated." I shrug.

Gigi nods with a little smile, listening to our conversation.

"You went from having a crush on Soobin while he had a girlfriend, to be friends with Soobin when they broke up, to start dating Jihoon, then breaking up with Jihoon and starting to date Soobin." She recalls.

Dear diary: How do I heal his broken heart?; Choi SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now