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I try to read one of my books as I wait patiently for the teacher to enter the classroom, but there's someone stopping me from focusing on the pages in front of me. I hear his chuckles filling the room, making me divert my gaze to see him as he jokes around with his friends. Throwing his head back when he laughs, scrunching his nose and clapping at probably some random jokes, I notice myself staring again without a pause. I clear my throat and look again at my book, but my mind keeps getting lost in the beautiful sound of his laugh.

The door finally opens and the classroom goes completely silent. The old man walks towards his desk, placing his briefcase on it and then greeting us. I close my book and rest my arms over my desk, looking at him.

"Good morning class. As you probably already know, you'll have to do a project for this signature. This is more than a half of your final score, so you need to work hard on it" he explains, fixing his glasses with his index finger.

Biology is one of the few classes I really enjoy, and the only class I share with Soobin. I've heard about this project before, when Suri had to do it last year, so I know how important it is for my grades.

"I'm going to pair you all with one of your classmates. I'll pick randomly, but i'll tell you in advance... There won't be changes, you'll have to work with your partner no matter what, so you better work on your patience and socialization skills" He says, grabbing his notes and preparing to read them as some of the students groan in disapproval.

I take a deep breath. I'm not a talkative person, I tend to get shy around people I'm not close to. I sigh and pull a strand of my hair behind my ear, looking around the room. Soobin's looking at the teacher expectantly, he probably doesn't have a problem with working in groups.

"This is the hatching egg project" he says, the room completely silent as he proceeds to explain. "You've probably heard about this before. Every couple will have an egg and an incubator. You'll have to work as a team to take good care of it the best you can. If your egg doesn't hatch, breaks, or suffers any kind of accident, you fail." he adds.

My eyes widen. Everyone else in the room seems to be as shocked and confused as I am.

"How are we supposed to know how to take care of it?" a classmate asks, making us look at him.

The teacher smirks.

"That's the point. It wouldn't be a good project if you had it on the easy way. You'll have to do your research with your partner and find out what you need to do to keep your egg safe".

Holy fuck.

This is going to be really hard.

"And also, this is going to be different. You won't have chickens, you'll have ducklings instead. Different kinds of ducklings, and you wouldn't know which one you'll have until it's born." he says, as if it was something fun for him. He steps aside to be behind his desk and takes a seat. "With that being said, I'll call the couples and I'll give you your respective egg. You'll have to name it and give me an address so I can send the incubator to one of your houses."

I start feeling nervous as I look around. Soobin seems to be relaxed, I don't know how can he, considering that we'll have to take care of a life. It's like being parents.

Fuck. Parents? I widen my eyes at my own thought. How can I become a mother if I can't even take good care of myself?

The teacher keeps calling names and giving eggs to our classmates. I play with my fingers, waiting for my name to be shouted, and then it does.

"Y/N, Soobin."

I instantly freeze.

Are you kidding me?

Dear diary: How do I heal his broken heart?; Choi SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now