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I woke up at three in the morning. My heart was racing and my breathing was heavy. I clung to something and started crying. I had another nightmare about Rick.

I was clinging to Ryder's arm as he lay on his back. I cuddled closer to him and continued to cry. I heard him let out a deep breath before turning to hold me. "What's wrong, princess?" he said, obviously half-asleep.

I tried to speak but no words came out. Images of my bleeding stomach flashed in my mind and I let out a scream and pulled away from Ryder. I frantically touched my stomach, checking for blood.

Ryder was now wide awake. He turned on my lamp and grabbed my hands. "Princess. Tell me what's wrong."

"Rick... He killed the baby..." I whimpered.

Ryder wrapped his arms around me and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. "It was just a dream." He helped me lay down and placed a hand on my stomach. "I would never let him hurt you or the baby."

I put my hand over his and kissed his cheek. "I know. I love you."

"I love you too." He yawned, "Let's go back to sleep."

"But I've been asleep for almost twelve hours. I'm not tired." He huffs and I pinch his cheek. "You can go back to sleep if you want, but I'm not tired."

He sighs and sits up. "Then what are you planning to do while I sleep?"

I shrug. "Watch a movie on my phone." Something flashes in his eyes and I already know he has something else in mind. "You and your dirty thoughts."

He looks away and I think he may be blushing. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I nudge him. "Whatever you say. I mean..." He looks at me anxiously. I giggle, "I wouldn't be against anything as long as it didn't go as far as kissing." Just as I was about to settle back under the covers, Ryder pins me down and crashed his lips against mine. I felt electrified. My hands find their way to his hair and my fingers tangle with his dark locks.

We stopped kissing when Ryder could barely control himself. I turned on The Good Doctor because I finished Shameless. Ryder continues to kiss my neck.

"Sage! We're home!" I hear my mom yell. What time is it?

I hear my mom approach my room and, without thinking, shove Ryder off of me and he falls onto the floor.

"Oww," he groans.

"Sorry," I whisper as I look down at him. I pause the show and see that it's nine in the morning.

The door opens. "Hey, sweetheart." Ryder sits up with another groan and my mom stares at him before smiling. "Hello, Ryder." He waves and she looks back at me. "Your appointment is in an hour." She closes the door.

Ryder stands up. "Appointment?"

"Yea, for the baby." I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I sprint to my closet and shut the door behind me. I didn't want to deal with a playful Ryder. I put on a random shirt and some yoga pants. I step out of my closet and Ryder is glaring at me. "Wipe that frown off your face. We don't have time to fool around."

He rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around my waist. "So when we get back can we fool around?"

"Well I was hoping we could go out after my appointment."

"I'm cool with a date." He pinches my cheek. "I'm going to spoil you though."

"No you're not. I refuse to let you—"

"Spend money on me," he mimics my voice. "Too bad. You're my princess and I'm going to spoil you."


My appointment took about an hour. My doctor did another ultrasound and she wanted to do some tests again. I didn't really care as long as the baby was doing ok.

After my appointment, Ryder took me to get ice cream.

"Blue moon, please," I said as I stood at the counter.

"Mint," Ryder said when the girl looked at him. She was probably fourteen. She was short and skinny with glasses like mine, and her hair was styled like mine too, except her hair was black.

"That's going to be five dollars," she said trying her hardest to be enthusiastic. Ryder pulled out his wallet and handed her the money.

We got our cones and sat down at a table. Right when I was about to lick my ice cream, Ryder snatched the cone from my hands. "Ryder!"

He smirked and licked the ice cream. I glared at him and he smiled. "I just wanted to try some."

"Well you could've asked." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"We can share."

I reach for the cone and he holds it high in the air. "Give it back, Ry," I whine. He shakes his head with a smirk. I start pouting. "But I'm pregnant and I have cravings. I want my ice cream."

"You're adorable." I glare at him and he sighs. "You need to learn to share." He hands me back my cone.

"You're not eating for two." He stays silent. "Exactly."

We finish our ice cream and then head to the mall.

Ryder tangles his fingers with mine. "Where do you want to go first, princess?"

"Hot Topic." Once we enter Hot Topic, I let go of Ryder's hand and walk around the store anxiously. I was like a kid in a candy shop. Hot Topic is my kryptonite.

Ryder followed close behind me. I told him not to buy me any shirts because they won't fit for long. Instead, he bought me cool leggings, some Funko figures, and a beanie. We then wandered into countless other stores. I had to keep reminding him not to buy me clothes I liked because it would be a waste of money. I did let him buy me a helmet though.

When we finally left the mall, the sun was going down.

"I have one more place I want to take you," he said as he lifted me onto his motorbike. "But we have to stop at my house first."



Ryder came out of his house with a backpack and his leather jacket. He put his jacket on me as I stared at the backpack. "What's in it?"

"Clothes for tonight," he said. He zipped up the jacket and got onto the motor bike.

After an hour of driving, we finally arrived at a place I recognized. An empty gravel parking lot.

Ryder helped me get off and took my hand. "We have to hurry."

I was about to question him but before I could get a word out, Ryder was already tugging me onto a trail we didn't explore last time. It was getting darker outside and I was getting spooked by the autumn wind. Ryder was quickening his pace and I had to run a little to keep up with him so I wasn't being dragged.

"We're almost there," he said. I sighed with relief because my feet were starting to hurt.

We finally reached a clearing, and my jaw dropped. "Wow..."

Ryder tugged me into him, my back against his chest, his head on my shoulder, and his arms around me. "Isn't it beautiful?"



A/N: FINALLY DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER!!!! YAAAY! I'm sorry it took so long. I've been really busy with school. I know this chapter isn't the best, but I promise the next one will be exciting, and by that I mean some action (Ryder's POV). It'll probably be long too.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked it <3

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