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I remember the creaking floorboards and running. I remember hearing the screams of the people behind me. It was just suppose to be a joke, it wasn't suppose to be dangerous. The Myers house had been abandoned for years but I remember not feeling alone when we walked in, feeling like someone was watching me, listening. 

*************flashback to 2 hours earlier********************

"Kitty, open up." I heard my best friend Sadie call at my door. I swung it open and let her in. She walked in with her causal attitude, I loved her charisma. Tonight was Halloween and we never made crazy plans but tonight she wanted to go to a party. The crowds and sounds usually made my mind race and my stomach curl but this was a frat party and we hadn't been before. 

Sadie led the trail of footsteps to my room where I had laid out my outfit. She pointed to the plain black jeans and a striped shirt, "Mime?" She asked with a snort. "Well I was going for robber but sure, a mime works too." I laughed in response. I didn't want to go as the usual slutty character, I just wasn't too into it but I promised Sadie I would go with her and make sure she got home safely.  

She pulled out a skirt and fishnets from her backpack. I rolled my eyes, only she could pull something like that off. We got dressed and jumped in her car, heading to the party across town. The party was already beginning to get started and several cars were parked out front. I parked a block away, we lived in a small town and at some point I was almost sure the cops would be called, I didn't want to get blocked in. We walked in and were immediately met by some guys that knew Sadie. "Who's your friend?" They asked. I introduced myself and we all began talking, they didn't seem like the usual douchey guys I was use to so it was nice to get to know new people. I sat on a couch arm and talked with the guys as they stood, Sadie sat beside me sipping on a pink punch mix that smelt a little too buzzed for my tastes but she as sure not to get too sloppy. 

After about an hour of hanging out in the center of the party, a dense crowd had formed and it was getting a little too crowded for my liking. The guys we were talking to began to notice my fidgeting. "Hey, it's getting a little crowded in here, why don't we," one of them began and I cut them off. "We are not going upstairs." I said, almost defensively. I put my hand on Sadie's arm. "Oh no, we were just going to say we could go outside. Fresh air, you know." He corrected himself and I felt bad for generalizing. I nodded and we made our way to the patio. 

One of the guys, Ryan, began telling our small group about how he grew up doors down from the Myers house and was going to go after the party, just for laughs. A couple of the other guys thought about going and after falsely assuming these were bad guys I wanted to make it up. "What if we all go?" I suggested. Sadie, who had since stopped drinking and had sobered up a bit also loved the idea and we decided I would drive. We climbed in the car, a block away and began driving. We pulled up to the curb and climbed out. 

The house was dark and loomed over us but with a newly found brave streak, I took the first few steps onto the lawn. I walked up to the front door, assuming it would be locked, it wasn't. The door pushed open with ease. I stuck with Ryan and Sadie and the rest of the guys broke off into the house. It was dark and none of the lights seemed to work, oh well what did I expect. Everything was fine until about thirty minutes in when I heard one of the guys scream. It wasn't a scream you could fake, it was loud and blood curdling. Sadie and I both jumped and Ryan led the way for us to run to the noise. I remember seeing something hit Ryan in the stomach and him fall, gurgling a dark liquid. I screamed and a white face stared at me through the darkness, Michael. 

******************end flashback******************************

I turned away from Sadie and began running to the door. I looked over my should to see the man grab her arm and pull her back. She was the last scream before silence fell over the house. I turned and faced him, not even able to scream again as Sadie fell back. My mouth hung open in terror and I fell to my knees. He began walking toward me and I couldn't breathe or move or run. I looked up at him with watery eyes, waiting for the blow to come but nothing ever did. I opened my eyes, "do something!" I screamed, staring into the eyes of his mask. He stood over me and I wept. 

Finally, after seconds of terror and staring at my best friend waiting for her to move, he reached down and grabbed my hair. He began dragging me through the house. I kicked and screamed and thrashed. He pulled me back up the stairs and threw me into the room at the top. It was dark and cold and he slammed the door behind me. I ran to the handle pulling on it roughly. It was locked and I was inside and he was in the rest of the house. There was one window and it was a straight drop off the roof. I wouldn't make it down without broken limbs. I began screaming into the floorboards hoping he could hear my anguish. 

The night he brought me home (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now