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Over the next week, Michael and I had been more communicative. He was still quiet and didn't start a conversation but I didn't feel as trapped as I did before. He made it a habit of asking me if I wanted to go outside after we had dinner. Just when the sun was going down and it was cooler than usual. It gave him an excuse to be closer to me. 

"Michael." I called out, into the seemingly empty house. There was no response and I began to get frantic looking for him. "Where are you Michael." I called out as my footsteps sped up. I felt as though I had been through the whole house when I rounded the corner into the main living room. He stood directly around the corner and jumped out as I walked into the room. 

I screamed and hit the floor hard. I hated being scared. I scurried back and looked up at him as a low laugh emitted from his mask. Flashbacks of the night I first came here flooded to my mind and he walked towards me with a hand out. I screamed again and kicked my way back, trying to push myself away from him. "Stop." I yelled, making it to the base of the stairs and pulling myself up on the railing. 

"I-I didn't mean to scare you." he said, walking towards me again. "Don't touch me." I screamed again running up the stairs. He stayed at the bottom of the staircase, staring at me as I slammed my door. I fell against the inside of the thick wood. I breathed in deep as the realization hit me. I just screamed and ran from him. He must think I hate him. I calmed my breathing and pushed the scared thoughts from my mine. He wasn't going to hurt me. He wanted to protect me. He would never hurt me. Not ever. Right? 

Michael's POV

I watched her scurry up the stairs and my heart dropped. I didn't mean to really scare her. That look in her eyes though, a look of terror and true fear. I never wanted her to look at me like that. I would do anything for her to never look at me like that again. I loved her. Wait.. what did I just think? I love her? Yes, I love her. With every thing I have in me. I walked up the stairs quietly and into my room, shutting the door without making a noise and sat back in bed. 

Kitty's POV

I heard him walk into his room and immediately felt bad. I took one last breath in and walked over to his door. It was shut and I didn't want to just walk in. I knocked and waited for him to open it. I heard scurrying, knocking around of things in his way and he opened the door, regaining composure in my sight. 

I immediately hugged him, without thinking about it and I felt his arms wrap around my sides loosely. I knew this was close for him. I almost felt bad about forcing him into a hug but I needed him to know I was not scare of him. I knew he wasn't going to hurt me. We had made so much project lately. I looked up at him. "Please don't scare me anymore. I don't want to be scared of you Michael, okay?" I asked. He nodded quickly and I smiled up at him. 

The night he brought me home (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now