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Michael walked to the top of the stairs and I heard him stop in front of my door. I was laying back on the bed when he walked in. I didn't look at him, I just stared at the ceiling. "Look, I am going to try to make you comfortable here." He said. I twisted my head to look at him. "Make me comfortable?" I said, more so in a baffled conclusion. He acted like he was doing me a favor. 

"Michael, why am I here?" I asked again, standing off the bed. He looked down at me. "Because I chose you. I wanted you here." I felt acid in the back of my throat. A heat building up in anger. He planned this. 

Before I could stop it my hand flew threw the air and hit his face. He snapped his head to the side but there was no reaction. I began beating on his chest with my fists. He abruptly grabbed my hands and held them in front of me. "Don't do that." He said in a calm voice. "or what?" I asked, threatening back. "You'll get in trouble." I gulped but didn't let him see my nervousness. 

"What am I suppose to do for you?" I asked, assuming he had some kind of an idea. "Keep me company. It gets lonely here." I laughed dryly. "I'm sure it does when you kill everyone that comes here." He seemed to roll his eyes a bit. "Those weren't your friends." He stated making me angry. "You don't know that." I snapped. 

"Ryan was convicted on assault and was abusive to several of his "friends", the other guys all hurt women and got away with it. Sadie, she was no angel. She stole from you, money, possessions and she was going to end up leaving you with those guys that night." I stared at him and started putting pieces together. 

The more I thought about it the more it made sense but that didn't mean this was right. He seemed to notice my anger and sadness and overall discomfort. "I'm sorry, but I wanted to protect you." He said, reaching out like he was going to hug me. I flinched back and he lowered his arms. I didn't hate the idea of him wanting to protect me but he was going to hate to earn my trust. 

He left my room but left my door open. I walked through some of the other rooms and noticed one. A bed sat in the far corner of one and it was dark. I peeked inside before he walked back into the main hallway. "That's my room, you can go anywhere you want in this house. It's yours now too." I nodded and he walked into his room past me. He clicked on a tv and I stared at him confused. "How do you?" I trailed off. "A man use to live here before I came back. I use his cards and information." I nodded at his response. 

He sat in his bed and patted beside him. I didn't move and he moved to the other side of the large bed, making room for me to have space. I sat perched on the side and he turned on some simple show. I was tired and began falling asleep. My eyes began to get heavy and close and as I was zoning in and out I felt a blanket drape over me. 

The night he brought me home (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now