Nicky || Laser Tag

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"(Y/N)!" Dawn yelled from downstairs. I pulled up my hair and skipped down. I had spent the night at my best friend Dawns place and we had planned to go to laser tag.

When I got down I noticed an annoyed look plastered on Dawn's face with her 3 twin brothers staring at her with puppy eyes.

"What's up?" I said to the 4 of them, "They want to go with and I said absolutely n-""Of course Y'all can come with," I responded with a grin, cutting Dawn off.

I only said that because I wanted Nicky to come. I didn't want to admit it to myself that I like him and there was no denying it.

I've known Nicky and the others since I was 10, 6 years later and I've finally realized my feelings.Dawn looked as if she would explode so I pulled her out of the house before she could with the boys following shortly behind.

We hoped in the car and I drove. Ricky leaned forward and turned up the radio and they all started badly singing along to Kesha but I could not help but laugh at them being their usual dorky selves.

Nicky reached forward and jokingly ran his finger across my jaw while singing. "Nicky stop, I'm driving," I laughed pushing him away.

They only got through two badly sung songs before we got to LaserTaser.We rushed out of the car, the thing we all had in common is we loved laser tag and would go all of the time as kids, we had not been for about 4 months so going again just felt great.

The boys skipped in like school children and we followed behind laughing at them although Dawn was still a little angry she began to get over it.

My heart skipped a beat when Nicky looked back at me with his goofy smile and a wink.I'm just glad Dawn didn't catch it. Maybe he did feel the same way, or he was just being flirty as usual.

We bought the tickets and headed into the dark room where they'd tell you how to play the game and yadda yadda. It was me, dawn, and some random kid on green team against the boys, blue team.

We had practically memorized the directions as the man working said them so we ignored them and gave each other testing looks.We where totally gonna kick they're butts.

Nicky looked at me and winked before we ran into the ring. It was dark and I could hear shots already."God Damn It!" Sounded throughout the room, that was definitely Rickey.

I wondered for a good minute before I saw dicky on the first floor. I shot him and he looked around confused.He practically screamed. "And your out," his laser armor spoke and he pouted.

Leaving the room and I burst out laughing but quickly put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't draw attention to myself.That's when Nicky appeared from around the corner.

"Oh shit," I gasped before beginning to run but I was blocked by a dead end."Come on Nicky, let's talk about this," I tried to reason with him jokingly.

He didn't say anything just smiled getting closer to me.His gun was at his side and he backed me into a corner with a smirk on his face.

"Nicky?"He put his hands on both sides of my head as he pinned me to the wall, our bodies pressed against one another.I squeaked out a nervous " hey," I had completely forgotten we were in a game at this point.

His hands went from the wall to My sides and he pressed his forehead against mine."Nicky?""I've wanted to do this for a while." He whispered.

I stared into his eyes for a couple of seconds before I felt his warm lips against mine, I had never thought he'd feel the same about me but right here right now we were kissing.

I closed my eyes and leaned in I felt one of his hands slide off of my waist. He pushed harder into the kiss and our body pressed rigether.

Once our lips separated he mumbled "I won,""What?" I responded confused."Pow, and your out, the Blue team wins," my laser tag armor announced.

Nicky had his laser gun against my chest."I won," he said again before pecking me on the lips and skipping off with a big grin.

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Aidan Gallagher / Five / Nicky Harper ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now