New Script || Aidan Gallagher

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Your POV

Aidan and I made small talk on set while they got ready to film. I was surprised Aidan was actually talking to me, although he didn't speak to me very often when he did he'd speak with the goofiest grin on his face.

Aidan's girlfriend hated me and tried her best to keep me from talking to him. She hated how well we got along. "Are you ready for the new script?" Aidan asked with a smile.

I nodded my head excitedly. We'd get our scripts every 5 episodes and we were filming our fifth episode today.

On-screen Aidan and I (Number 5 and 8) survived the apocalypse together and had become best friends.

Robert teased us about having an onscreen romance but we insisted that the writers wouldn't make us have any chemistry.

As Aidan was talking he quickly stopped and his eyes saddened. "I've gotta go," he sighed. He walked towards his girlfriend.

I really couldn't understand why she hated me so much.

Aidan's POV

My girlfriend walked towards me an angry look on her face. "What were you doing talking to her?" She asked angrily.

"We were just talking about the upcoming scenes," I explained to her, waving off her anger. About 3 months ago I had admitted to her I had feelings for (Y/N) and she blew up.

She told me if I left her she would ruin my career and (Y/N)s and I wasn't willing to take that risk so I stayed with her.

My phone pinged and I looked down to see an email from Jeremy Slater, it was the new Script.
"I've gotta go," I said showing the email and heading to my trailer to flip through the script.


I couldn't believe what I was reading. I knew I should've listened to Robert. A kissing scene between 5 and 8 was written out in great detail.

I felt excitement course through me. Now Hannah had no choice but to let me talk to (Y/N) and better yet I got to kiss her.


Your POV

"God damn it," I said trying to cover my joy as Robert peeked over my shoulder at the script. "I told youuuuuu," he mocked pushing my shoulder.

I let a small smile poke through, I tried my best to hide it from him but I couldn't. I swear he was real life, Klaus.

He walked away while continuing to mock me, "one week until the kiss," he made kissy sounds at me but stopped once I threw an empty bottle at him.

"Ouch," he pouted before skipping over to the coffee maker.

"So," I heard above me. I turned up to see Aidan. I was a bit flustered and stuttered out a hello.

"Hey," he spoke before sitting next to me.

We talked about the scene, both of us smiling like idiots.

1 Week later

Today we film the kissing scene. I didn't know if I was ready, I wasn't gonna lie to myself I had liked Aidan for quite a while now but obviously, I couldn't do anything because of Hannah.

I sat patiently while Klaus filmed a scene with Luther, I had briefly read through their scenes but I spent the majority of my time reading through my scenes. Specifically Aidan and my kissing scene.

I didn't wanna admit it but I was so nervous. "And Cut, Aidan, (Y/N) you're up for scene 8," called the directors. Robert walked off and winked at me.

Aidan didn't look up at me as he walked on set and sat down on the prop couch. I sat down next to him and gave a reassuring smile. "And 3, 2, 1, ACTION."

"Five, I just don't know if we are doing the right thing, trying to stop the end of the world. Maybe it was supposed to happen," I spoke

"How can you say that the commission is getting into your head!"

Five yelled, crossing his arms in frustration.

"I mean everything happens for a reason right, maybe everyone was meant to die, maybe we were meant to die," my tone got darker and fives expression changed.

"Eight, you can't give up, you did the same thing in the apocalypse, you just gave up and you are doing the same thing again, look how far we have gotten!"

He was right but we only had one day until the world ended, how could I possibly be hopeful when we have gotten almost nowhere.

He could tell just by looking at me I had given up. He grabbed my shoulders.

"Eight it's not hopeless okay, I didn't wanna admit it but I love this world ok, I love you," silence floated in the air as we stared into one another's eyes.

Then before I could even let a breath our lips where together. The kiss was slow and sweet as we both leaned in. His hands moved from my shoulders to my waist and my hands went into his hair.

"And CUT!" The director yelled. I hadn't even noticed, we continued to linger in the kiss for a couple more seconds, not getting enough of one another.

"Did you kids not hear me I SAID CUT!"

Aidan and I pulled apart quickly, he looked flustered as all hell. He quickly got up and brushed off his pants.

"Uh-that was good, we did good, have a.... good day," he practically skipped off and a smile spread across my face.

Robert walked up to me grinning manically. "My god you practically couldn't keep your hands off each other, he's acting like a little school girl," he spoke referring to Aidan.

I let out a laugh as a giddy grin appeared on my face.

Aidan Gallagher / Five / Nicky Harper ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now