Say cheese || Nicky Harper

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I have been best friends with Dawn since I could remember, I would go to her house every weekend to hang out.

I had made friends with her three siblings as well although she would always get annoyed with Nicky, Ricky, and Dicky.

I didn't mind hanging out with them though, they were a little crazy sometimes but that's what I liked about them. I liked Nicky the most.

We were best friends when we were younger but somehow we drifted apart.

I sat in the Harpers kitchen, doing homework and waiting for Dawn to come back downstairs. I messed with the strap on my camera, we had a photojournalism project we were supposed to be working on.

The front door opened and Dicky and Nicky walked in. Dicky threw his backpack onto the table "What's up nerd," he teased walking past me.

"Hi Dicky," I laughed.

"Hey (Y/N), " Nicky smiled sitting down next to me. "Hi Nicky," I spoke not looking up from my camera. Things between Nicky and I have been a little odd lately.

After a couple of seconds of silence, he spoke up. "So would you wanna go get coffee with me by chance?" He asked quickly, a nervous grin spreading across his face.

I looked up the stairs, I seriously doubt Dawn is coming down any time soon.

"I would love to," I smiled while putting my camera around my neck.

I scribbled down a note before I left to dawn

Hey dawn, Nicky asked to go hang out. I'll be back soon, I thought maybe I could sneak a couple of pictures of him for our project (:

"Ok let's go," I said walking out the door with him. The cold bit at my fingertips as we walked to the coffee shop. I rubbed my hands together and Nicky must have noticed because he laced his hand with mine.

I didn't object, he was actually quite warm. It didn't take long to get there considering it was only a couple blocks down the road.

We talked about things going on in our life and just caught up since it had been a while since we had hung out.

I actually missed hanging out with him a lot, when we were young we'd hang out a lot, sometimes when I got nightmares he'd sneak me into his room and we'd drink hot chocolate and fall asleep but of course, I'd have to sneak back to Dawns room by morning.

As we walked into the coffee shop the bell chimed and the barista gave us a warm smile. I pulled out my wallet but Nicky quickly obliged "no (Y/N) it's cool I've got it."

He was so hard headed so I didn't bother objecting. We ordered and sat down by the window where we looked out onto the street that was frosted over.

I turned on my camera while Nicky looked down to check his phone


He quickly looked up at me, "Hey what was that?" He asked slightly startled

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He quickly looked up at me, "Hey what was that?" He asked slightly startled. "Oh nothing, just something for photojournalism, plus you look good in photos," I responded looking down at the picture I'd just taken.

"Just in Photos huh?" I was about to answer him when the Barista called out, "Two Coffees for Nicky."

He went up to get them and then came back to hand me the steaming cup.

We drank our coffee and listened to the jazz music playing. He cut through the music "you never answered my question."

"What question?" I asked innocently.

"Do I only look good in photos?" He asked, looking at me jokingly with a sly smile. "Well not only in photos," I looked down at my coffee and smiled.

Our laughing settled down and he spoke up. "Do you remember when we where nine and I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes?"

"Yeah," I said curiously.

"Well, we never broke up," I laughed a little.

"Are you saying we're still dating?"

"Well no, I'm just saying technically we have been dating for 7 years," We both laughed so hard I almost spit out my coffee.

"Is this your weird way of asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked quietly.

"No, I'm just reminding you that we are dating, but say we weren't already dating and I asked you out, would you say yes?" He asked nervously.

I nodded my head and a goofy grin spread across Nicky's face as he leaned in. He put a finger under my chin and our lips connected.

I could feel him smile into the kiss, we pulled apart and broke into a fit of laughter.

Hey, guys thank you so much for all of your support! I'm almost at 100 votes and 2K views!! So thank you guys so so much and feel free to leave your feedback and suggestions! ❤️ Sorry, this story was a little shorter than usual but I hope you enjoyed.

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