Remember me || Five

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This idea was suggested by @sugaJemV
so thank you so much! Just so you guys know I do take suggestions ❤️. I hope this story is pretty close to what you had in mind.


My eyes flew open and I felt as if my lungs were filling with fire. I rested on my elbows looking up at the sky. My mind swarmed like a hive of bees and my head felt as it would explode. I took a minute to adjust and looked around.

Everything surrounding me was engulfed in flames, not one building wasn't in shambles. As far as I could see there was not one living thing. My hair twisted in the ash-filled wind.

I tried to collect my thoughts but nothing came to mind. Panic consumed me as I pushed myself up from the dirt but my head became light and I fell to the ground. I coughed violently as my breath escaped me.

I could not remember my name, age or how I had gotten here but I knew this was not normal. I finally felt strong enough to get up on my feet and pushed up.

I grabbed onto a melted metal pole to gain my balance when I heard a sneeze that did not come from me. I whipped around to see a young black haired boy with a stunned look on his face. He approached me quickly, almost running towards me.

He started to fire questions at me, "Who are you? What happened? How did you get here?" He seemed so frightened but at the same time calm. It was eerie in a way.

I tried to comprehend what he was saying. "Um, I don't know, I can't remember anything," I stuttered while trying to grasp everything that was happening.

"Well then your useless, if you're here then surely there are others, have a nice life," he said walking in the opposite direction. I wanted to stop him but I had no energy, I was beginning to think this was not even real life, maybe it was all just some screwed up dream.

I lied down in one of the broken down building and my eyes fluttered closed as the darkness set in.

FIVES POV, The next day

I walked through the dirt and debris, I had not gone far from the girl I had met yesterday, I am beginning to regret leaving her, I had not seen any other sign of life, she was a complete mystery. I sat down on the floor and put my head in my hands.

Everything was so overwhelming, all I wanted to do was get back to my family. I pushed myself off of the ground and decided I was gonna go find the girl I had met yesterday.

I hoped to god she was still there. However long I was here I knew it would not be bearable alone.


I had searched for hours and I could not find her, I was beginning to give up hope when I heard a light cough. I ran towards the sound and found her curled up in a ball fast asleep.

I gasped with relief and rushed towards her. Once I reached her, her eyes flew open and I was just happy she wasn't dead.

Without thinking I pulled her towards me, she didn't resist she only leaned into me. "We are gonna figure this out together, Ok?" I whispered I could feel her nod weakly against my shoulder.


40 years later

40 years together, I began to call the girl I had met Eight because she could not remember a thing. To this day she still can not.

We spent 38 years together in the apocalypse just surviving any way we could. One day as we were searching food and we were approached by a clean looking blond woman which had completely baffled us because the previous 38 years we had seen not even one speck of life.

Aidan Gallagher / Five / Nicky Harper ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now