I hate you || Nicky Harper

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Suggested by Aidan_potatoes . Ok so i got the request for this story yesterday and then got a request kind of similar to it (It was along the lines of (Y/N) and Nicky hating each other and I LOVED it so I think after this I will upload probably a five imagine then the one that is similar to this one but not exactly the same, If you like this one you will love the other one i'm putting out later. Okay thank you so much and Enjoy.

Dawn and I had been best friends since we where 12, now we are 16. I go over to her house a lot and get along with her big family pretty well, except for Nicky that is.

I don't know why but he's always hated me. When we where 13 he would always run to his room when I came over and refused to talk to me.

Ricky said he didn't actually hate me but it was hard to believe. As we got older and he couldn't avoid me he would make snide comments to me and my now ex-boyfriend.

It was Saturday so I decided to go over to Dawns to play some video games, I knocked on the door expecting My best friend to answer but it wasn't her, it was Nicky.

I sighed and pushed past him. "Hi Nicky," I spoke sarcastically. "(Y/N)," he said sarcastically while heading to the kitchen.

"Wheres dawn and the others?" I asked while turning on there Xbox to play Mario cart. "Why do you care?" He asked.

I turned to him quickly, anger filling me. "Because I'm here to see Dawn and your brothers, who much nicer than you might I add. I'm not here to see you dickwad!" I hissed at him.

He flinched a bit which was unexpected, surely that didn't actually upset him if anything it seems like Nicky would get pleasure out of me getting mad.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked to his room. Finally, he was gone.

I always wanted to know why he was so mean, I was never anything but nice to Nicky and everyone refused to tell me why he hated me.

The game started and I began to play, I was gonna text Dawn but I was too preoccupied. It wasn't weird for me to show up like this.

The harper parents thought of me as a daughter and I was over at their house most of the time, I practically lived in Dawn's room.

The only Dawn side about being here all of the time was Nicky, I used to like Nicky a lot actually until he started being a prick.

I groaned when I lost a level and got up to get a bag of chips. I went to return to the couch when I saw Nicky there with a controller in his hands.

"God damn it, Nicky, what do you want?" I groaned angrily. "I just wanna play Mario, is that a crime?" He said with a sarcastic pouty face.

"Come on Nicky, just give me the controller back," I said putting down the bag of chips. "And if I don't?" He teased.

"Ugh that's it," I went to grab the controller from him and tried pulling away but he was a lot stronger than I had expected.

"Nicky come on," I grunted getting on top of him so I could get the remote back. At this point, I was practically in his lap trying to get it back.

He held it behind his head and I reached for it and grabbed it but when I did he grabbed my waist and flipped me over so I was laying down on the couch and he was on top.

I struggled to get out of his grip and that's when the controller fell out of my hand but I hadn't even noticed.

We both stopped for a second, breathing hard. Nicky had his hands on either side of my head while both of my hands were on his waist.

We stared into each other's eyes and before I knew how to respond he put his lips against mine. He was rough but his lips were soft.

I didn't think about anything else I just leaned in moving my hands from his waist to his fluffy hair. He might have been a huge jerk but damn was he hot.

The kiss lasted for a while before we pulled apart and quickly got up. We both looked equally stunned. "Ummm, I've gotta go," I said, flustered.

I ran to Dawns room not knowing what to think. Why would Nicky kiss me? I thought he hated my guts.

It was kind of nice though I couldn't lie about that. My phone buzzed and I looked down to see a text from Nicky.

Hey, we need to talk, could you come to my room, please.

I slipped my phone into my pocket and walked to Nicky's room hesitantly which was just down the hall from Dawns.

The door squeaked open and I walked in. He shared a room with his brothers but they didn't have those goofy bunk beds from before.

I sat next to him on his bed " soooo,"

"I need to tell you why I've been such an asshole for all of these years," he sighed, twiddling his thumbs. "I'm listening," I replied.

"Well here goes nothing," he whispered "I've been crazy about you since the day we met (Y/N), I just didn't know how to express those feeling I guess. And when you got a boyfriend I was just so jealous and I just became a dick, I felt like I wasn't good enough for you or you'd think I was weird so I tried to push you away so you wouldn't realize how weird I actually was but that was so dumb on my part I-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips against his, everything was starting to make sense now. I was still a little angry at him but I was just relieved we have things settled.

This kiss was a lot more gentle than the one earlier. I cupped his face in my hands and smiled into the kiss.

I didn't realize it but I've been waiting for this. I always did have feelings for Nicky that I'd burry because I thought he hated me.

When we pulled apart Nicky smiled and pulled me back onto his bed so we were laying down together with me in his arms.

It turns out the rest of the Harpers has gone to a hotel as a mini vacation while Nicky stayed home because he had a lot of homework.

We spent the rest of the night talking until we eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

Hey, guys thank you so much for reading and getting me to 100 votes! I love you guys so much ❤️ thank you for supporting the story and leaving all of your suggestions. New stories will be up soon.

Aidan Gallagher / Five / Nicky Harper ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now