The group chat || Aidan Gallagher

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This story was suggested by morganamacabre thank you, Morgan! I hope you like it ❤️ also before I start I would like to warn you Guys I might be changing the cover of this book to match my aesthetic ❤️ much love, please enjoy.


I flounced around in my elegant dress, as me, TJ, and Eden got ready for the premiere we had been invited to. We laughed and had girl talk. "Sooo (Y/N) when are you and Aidan gonna start dating," Eden teased.

"Come on Eden, you know he doesn't feel the same," I said sadly but quickly brushed it off and continued to spin in my dress. She only laughed but then she stopped quickly and let out a gasp.

"(Y/N) I am so so sorry," she said putting her hand over her mouth. "Eden what did you -," my phone binged and I looked down quickly and a video of me played in our group chat which coincidently had Aidan in it.

My breath hitched. "Oh my god, Oh my god, OH MY GOD," I practically screamed. I sat down and buried my head in my hands and felt as if I was gonna pass out when I heard a knock at the door.

I groaned as TJ opened the door. It was Dante and Ethan, They looked at me and walked in. "You didn't see it right?" I asked pathetically. They pressed their lips together not knowing what to say. Ethan cut in.

"sooooo, Aidan," "UGHHHHH" I got up and shooed them out. "That video was not supposed to get sent out, I just- I will see you guys at the premiere, "They tried to tell me something but I shut the door on them.

I quickly finished getting ready while the girls stayed eerily silent.

"Ok let's just go to the premier and ignore recent events." I sighed and put on a smile while pulling the girls behind me. We laughed while making jokes and I almost forgot about the whole fiasco with Aidan.

I was so distracted that I bumped into a boy in front of me. "I am so sorry I-" I brushed off my dressed and realized it was Aidan. He was with Trinity. my face turned bright red. I gave a fake smile to her and I felt my stomach drop.

"you look really pretty (Y/N)," he smiled. Was he screwing with me? I scoffed at him for trying to play with my feelings.

Had he brought Trinity as his date? I walked away without saying anything else to him with Eden and TJ following behind. I crossed my hands and felt as if I was gonna cry.

"(Y/N), what's your problem, he just called you pretty, " TJ asked trying to keep up with me. " He is obviously messing with me, he brought a date and he saw the video and probably thinks I'm weird."

After a minute I found a chair and slumped down in it. I inhaled sharply trying not to get even more upset. The girls tried to comfort me and I began to settle down.

I got up and went to the theater to meet everyone else. I was dreading seeing Aidan but I refused to miss the premiere. We hesitantly went and everyone greeted us. The movie didn't start for another 30 minutes so we just made small talk.

Without realizing it I was rolling my eyes when trinity would talk. I didn't dislike her but I couldn't help but be jealous. She started talking about her music career, "yeah, I might be working on a song with Marshmellow! she said excitedly.

"We get in Trinity, you sing," I said aggressively without thinking. "(Y/N) what's your problem?! are you just insecure or something." I felt my breath hitch.

I felt bad about what I had said to Trinity but what Aidan said broke me. I left, sadness and anger welling up in my body. I walked away quickly leaving everybody stunned and when I was out of their sight I ran to the balcony.

Aidan's POV

"Aidan, are you an idiot?" Ethan said. "What?" I asked, not sure what has happened. "Have you not seen the video?" he asked while pulling out his phone. I shook my head, "What video?"

Ethan began showing me a video of (Y/N) twirling around in the beautiful dress she was wearing. "Sooooo (Y/N) when are you and Aidan gonna start dating?" Eden spoke behind the camera.

She stopped looking a little sad. "You know he doesnt feel the same about me," she spoke then the video ended.

"Oh my god," I spoke putting my head in my hands. "She thinks Trinity is your date," Eden spoke hesitantly. "I need to go find her," I spoke rushing to look for her.


I wiped a tear off my face as I looked off the balcony. I felt so bad about being rude to Trinity and wanted to bawl because Aidan got mad at me. I had been outside for maybe 10 minutes when I heard the door open.

"(Y/N)?" Aidan said softly. I tried to make sure it didn't look like I was crying, I expected him to be mad at me for storming off but I only felt his hand on my shoulder.

"I am so sorry, I didn't know, " he said softly.  "What?" I asked.

"Ethan just showed me the video."

So it turns out he wasn't messing with me. "(Y/N) I didn't know you liked me, I thought you knew I was crazy about you," My eyes widened. He did feel the same about me.

"What about Trinity? aren't you guys dating?" He chuckled a bit. "No of course not, I brought her because Dante likes her."

"Oh my god I feel awful," I sighed putting my head in my hands.

Aidan turned my face towards him, "(Y/N) don't feel bad, I don't think you get it, I have liked you ever since the first day I met you. " I didn't know how to respond, I just sat there stunned.

Before I could react I felt his lips on mine. My eyes shut and I melted into his arms. My heart began to beat fast and the entire world around me spun. We both pulled away and he looked deep into my eyes.

He smiled and grabbed my hands.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, a nervous blush spreading across his face.

I nodded my head happily.

Oh my gosh, Thank you guys so so much for 1K views that is insane, I am so grateful for you guys and I hope you are enjoying these stories, Would you guys like a full-length X reader and if so with who out of Aidan and his characters? Also, I am really enjoying writing these suggestions so feel free to leave more! I love you angels have an amazing day!

Aidan Gallagher / Five / Nicky Harper ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now