Good morning, gorgeous and Klaus || FIVE

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Hey guys! so everyone is wanting me to write more Nicky imagines, don't worry the next two should be about Nicky. Also pretty please go follow my new edit account on Instagram @ castivich . it would mean the whole world to me and I will love you forever! okay enjoy

Your POV

My eyes fluttered open and the crisp air flew over my face. I had fallen asleep with five next to me but all of a sudden he wasn't there.

I rolled over to were he usually sleeps on the bed and groaned. I pushed myself from the warm covers and my feet touched the cold wooden ground.

My clock read 9 AM, I was surprised Reginald hadn't woke me up but then I remembered he was out on a business trip. Thank god, I couldn't stand the man

I stretched and felt my limbs pop which was oddly satisfying. I pushed off the covers still remaining on me and walked into the hallway, the smell of pancakes floating through the air.

The closer I got to the smell the louder the sound of deep humming sounded. I recognized it immediately, it was five.

The only thing he was wearing when i walked into the kitchen  was baggy sweat pants. I walked up sneakily behind him as he flipped pancakes and wrapped my arms around his waist. "good morning gorgeous," he spoke in his deep raspy morning voice.

"good morningggg," I sang, still super sleepy. He chuckled a bit and turned around wrapping his arms around me tightly. "What are you doing?" I questioned, not pulling away from his grasp.

"making breakfast," he smiled and kissed my forehead, he turned back to the pancakes to take them off the skillet. Everybody thought he was this sarcastic jerk but nobody saw this side of him.

Once he finished breakfast he wrapped his arms around me again and swayed to the soft music that played, I danced with and leaned in to kiss him. 

Once he pulled away he let go and pulled the plates of food off the counter and set them on the table.

We were about to sit down when Klaus stumbled in "morning love birds," he whistled sitting down at the table, "what's for breakfast?"

"nothing for you," Five spoke loosing his sweet voice, Klaus sighed and got up walking over to me. He put on a pouty face and draped his arms around my shoulders.

"Do you see how he treats me (Y/N), I am so mistreated," Five rolled his eyes but I could see a smirk slowly forming on his face.

"Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my-" Klaus began to speak but Five cut him off quickly.

"Yes Klaus, we know about the time you waxed your ass with chocolate pudding," Klaus began to leave "It hurt so bad," he laughed while skipping out of the kitchen.

Once he left the two of us could not help but bust out laughing, Five would never admit it to Klaus but he was his favorite sibling.

We returned to our breakfast, I ate while Five stared at me.

"What?" I asked with a mouth full of pancakes. He laughed a bit "You are so cute," he spoke while resting his head on his hand.

I tried not to smile "I'm not cute, I am dangerous you hear me? dangerous," I pointed my fork at him but he only laughed more. "Sure you are," He spoke before getting up and kissing me on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go shower," He said while walking out.

He was a pain in my ass but I loved him for it.

Hey guys, sorry this was super short, I wanted to upload. I promise the request for Nicky imagines will be out soon, also again please go follow my insta @ castivich . I love you guys and I hope you have an amazing day.

Aidan Gallagher / Five / Nicky Harper ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now