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He cheated. Of course he fucking did. Keith could never enjoy the good things in life. He always gets happy only to be shot down by a reality check. Nobody loved him. Nobody will ever love him, at least, not like Lance did.

Now don't get it wrong, they hadn't dated for long. And it was sort of Keith's fault that Lance cheated... if you can call going to a mental institution his fault. Keith disappeared for a month. No contact with the outside world. When he got back, he was so relieved he would finally see Lance again, he had missed him so much!

When he got to school, he hugged Lance as tightly as he could, scared that he might vanish into thin air if Keith let him out of his sight. Lance just chuckled and acted as if everything was fine, which it was... until he started avoiding Keith.

For four days Keith was worrying about what he could have possibly done wrong. Terrified that Lance hated him for leaving for so long, mortified that they would 'break up'.

Even though they had never officiated it. They had only made out and held hands, never actually defining whatever it was they had, which in the end, only hurt Keith more. Lance had all the right reasons to 'cheat'.

Keith was walking down the hallway to his fourth period when Pidge softly gasped at her phone. Keith looked over, intrigued. He told Pidge everything, so she knew about Lance and him. She turned her phone over to Keith and revealed a snapchat.

Lance was leaning on a girls shoulder in the back of a car while the girl played with the dog filter. Keith automatically let his eyes fixate on Lance, scared that it was exactly what he thought it was.

And it was, because in the second snap they kissed. No, actually, they made out. And the video cut off shuffling, as if the girl was moving to get on top of Lance.

Keith ugly cried in the bathroom for half an hour while Pidge waited outside.

The thing was, Keith had been in relationships, had been dumped, had been the dumper, but nothing ever felt the way it did when he was with Lance. When they kissed, it felt like he could soar. The world was just background noise to the bigger picture, Lance.

Keith had kissed his fair amount of people, but it always felt like a chore rather than something he experienced emotionally. It was a technicality, he would only make it more comfortable for the other person, never enjoying himself as much as them.

But when he kissed Lance, his world was colored in. When Lance touched him, his skin set on fire. They were meant to be, Keith had mused once upon a time.

Keith never approached Lance about it. Only becoming more and more distant from their mutual friends. Only a handful of people knew about them, so everyone that knew assumed they had just broken up and it was awkward.

But Lance still hugged him, still said hi in the hallway, still walked Keith to class. And Keith didn't have it in him to tell him he knew about the girl. So, he suffered in silence. Never telling Lance, and disappearing from school.

He couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't smile and pretend everything was fine. His life was dependent on depression medication. He guessed it would help... if he overdosed. If he overdosed maybe it would all end... or maybe he would be unsuccessful and get the help he needed.

He was done with life. He was done with love. He was done with never being genuinely happy. He just needed it all to stop. He couldn't handle it anymore. It was time for him to be free.

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